Friday, August 14, 2015

A FRIDAY CHAT ( about this & that )

Good morning everyone !!!

The last month has been insanely busy...................
I did furniture for Evan's room  - including a rocking chair makeover that I haven't had time to post about yet.
I finally finished the front ( enclosed ) porch
We built a deck ( with an incredible amount of help from the boys )
Had a baby shower ( and all that that entails )
Worked on the backyard so that we could accommodate roughly 50 or so people.

So...............this past week was kind of a lazy one for me.
You know when you just collapse in a heap?

Anyway,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I made salad one night and asked John if he could snip some basil off the plant outside.

John says - Sure !
John says - What does basil look like?
Suzan says - Tell me you're joking !
John says - laughing - Of course I am.

He was gone quite a while so I went out to see what was taking so long
HOLY COW - I'm still laughing 3 days later.

There he was...............foraging around the planters - .bent down and sniffing all the plants trying to figure out which one was basil -
Can you picture it ???

He finally looked up as he was holding on to some Rosemary - NOT THAT ONE!

John says - I know - I just like the smell.


I pointed to the basil and he grabbed some and came back in

Suzan says - You really didn't know what basil was?
John says - Of course I do !
Suzan says - What were you doing - just taking time to smell the herbs?

My desk faces the street ( from the second floor ) so I can see what's going on out there if I'm sitting at it.
We bought a new lawn mower so the old one ( in perfect working order actually ) was put outside on the curb along with the garbage ( knowing someone would grab it )
On garbage day a man pulled up in his van and came out to take a look at it.
As he was wheeling it around I yelled out from upstairs
The man jumped and looked all around
The man now is frantically looking all over
' UP HERE! "  I yelled down -
Finally he looked up and waved - grabbed the lawnmower and took off.

John says - I wish you wouldn't do that
Suzan says - What?
John says - Scream like a banshee from the upstairs window - DON'T YOU KNOW YOU PROBABLY MADE HIM VERY UNCOMFORTABLE??????????

I'm in a stump over Trump.
How is this happening?
And I'm not being facetious ..................I really want ot know - HOW.  IS.  THIS.  HAPPENING?
Enlighten me.

When Megyn Kelly mentioned all the nasty mysogynistic comments he's made about women - and he pointed out that it was only Rosie O'Donnell - the audience erupted into laughter and applause.
Then he went to twittertown on Miss Kelly herself and everyone got upset.

I really AM confused by it he allowed to denigrate some women but not all women?
Can he only make fun of overweight women?
Gay women?
Women with dark hair?
What ARE the rules here?
Other than entertainment value I don't get what he stands for politcally.
Other than build a wall and make the Mexicans pay for it ( great in theory - sort of ridiculous reality wise )

He wants to make America Great Again by implementing  "really good" changes.

Surely that's not the criteria for a good speech on policies?  Shouldn't he - oh I don't know - MENTION WHAT THOSE CHANGES WILL BE?

Can you imagine what he'd say about Angela Merkel if she disagreed with him about something?
He'd probably break twitter !

As Lindsay Graham so eloquently put it - " it's all gibberish "

You know, if every ounce of ego was worth a dollar - he'd be worth..............oh wait forget about that.

Anyway I DO so love a good circus !

Our mail man will no longer be bringing our mail................we got the keys to a group mail box up the street.
Another job made redundant.
You young ones won't remember but I grew up with a milk man....................he delivered our milk every morning..............along with eggs and butter and sometimes my Mother would leave a note - as a special treat and there on the stoop would be sitting ice cold chocolate milk first thing in the morning.
I also remember Tellers in banks.

Is it any wonder there is an epidemic of anti social disorders today?
There's very little interaction left, period.

I wonder if schools will be made redundant in the not to distant future - every child will be provided with a computerized curriculum a voice on a computer tells them which book to open - no interaction with other children.

Too many of them already play virtual games .............instead of actually kicking a ball.

Some things are better today - but the ones that are not terrify me..

Our grands ( mine by the heart - John's by blood ) play soccer.
I asked Amelia a couple of weeks ago if she had won her game.

Amelia says - We're ALL winners !
Lolli says - I know you are - but who won the game?
Amelia says - We don't have winners and losers because we're ALL winners !

Oh dear Lord - we're going to be a whole society of Donald Trumps one day.

What happens when they lose at something in real life and have no way of handling it?
Doesn't losing sometimes and winning sometimes build character?
Or am I just being too old fashioned here?

How can you ever know if you suck or excel at something if you win everything you attempt?

Can you imagine what the FIFA games will be like in 20 years?
They'll have to give everyone the cup !

If you think some of today's sports people act like prima donna's - b-b-b-baby you ain't seen nothing yet.................

So........I had the above mentioned shower and NEVER TOOK ANY PHOTOS OF THE DECORATONS!
What kind of a blogger does that?
One who was so stressed out that she could barely see properly.
But I DID get this one !

and this one

and this one

and those are just some of the gifts - they went on well past where Chris is sitting -
I also made a gift card " tree " - where Babies-R-Us gift cards were attached to branches - all  $1360.00 worth of them - plus they received cash in cards - holy cow - I've never seen anything like it in my life!

Those balloon swags?
I made 4 of of my fingers is scarred forever from tying them in knots !

They're calling for a hot one this weekend..................really hot.
With the humidity it's supposed to be over 100 degrees...............if any of you are looking for me I'll be in the pool for the next 48 hours !  I keep saying that but I don't actually do it -
This weekend I intend to !!!

Well first we're off to buy those French Doors but then I swear to you that's where I'll be :)

Have a wonderful one everybody -
( summer's flying by so quickly it makes me panic )
Love to all
Lots of it

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Because everything tastes better over there.................I thought I'd show you what we used to grab for a quick lunch ( along with almost every one of the 30,000 attendee's ) at the fabric shows we went to.

Every now and then I'll make them here at home

Parisian Hotdogs ( & frites of course )

I thought I'd surprise John with them !

A hot dog in a baguette !

( the thought just occurred to me that although I don't post a lot about food - when I do it's always something extremely fattening and unhealthy )

John's on a ciabatta kick ( normally we buy baguettes ) so I  used that instead.

You warm the bread in the oven - just enough so that the outside is slightly crispy -
And then you dig a hole through the center

When you buy these in Paris they're on a long baguette - I made small ones.

You can either squirt your mustard inside the bread - or spread it on the weiner itself - and insert it into the
hole !  ( of course it's dijon mustard in Paris - I was out so used French's which I prefer anyway )

Simple, n'est pas?

You can even cheat and add some of that tres gauche North American red stuff on your frites !

And that little difference between a hotdog bun and a baguette?  Magnifique mes amis !


John came home with these ( because 10,000 calories wasn't enough for dinner ! )

Bad Monkey Mais Souffle ( popcorn )  -
They are to die !

The company started here in Montreal - by 2 brothers who used to be called " bad monkeys " by they're Mom..................Gourmet popcorn never tasted so good.

Popcorn after a Parisian hotdog you may ask?
Well it's perfectly acceptable if the popcorn is CREME BRULEE flavored !

We sat outside on the deck eating our dinner -
But we may as well have been sitting outside the Notre Dame Cathedral - or that's what I pretended anyway

I think Bad Monkey ships to the States if you'd like to try them ( this is not a sponsored post - just someone who loves popcorn ) they're link is HERE
Last night was the first time I tried it - incroyable ! ( incredible ! )

Here are some of the flavors

DARK chocolate

Bonne journee everyone !!!


THE DIY DREAMER                                                   FLUSTER BUSTER