Tuesday, February 23, 2016

THE DUTCH SHOES.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

If you think people can't reach out to us from the other side - do I have a story for you.  Make yourself a cup of tea and read on -

I have a life long girlfriend named Cyndi..............
Her maiden name was Cindy Astles ( she changed the spelling on her own in the 70's when there was a fad of changing the spellings of names to be more " unique " do you remember that ? )

I asked her permission to share this story because it's as fascinating a story as I have ever heard and I wanted you all to hear it !  There's a path this story takes and so I've condensed a lot of it and broken it up into " parts "

Part One.
From a very young age - very very young - 5 - 6 years old - Cyndi had recurring dreams.
Men in trenches to be precise.  Filled with mud - darkness - and guns going off constantly.  She could sense the fear and the panic - she felt the cold - and because there was always a lot of water on the ground in her dreams she even saw that their clothes were soaking wet.  She was an onlooker never part of the scene itself but it was horrific to witness - if only in dream form.  Even at such a tender age she could tell it was war she was witnessing - but she could never understand why all these men had large X's on their backs. She'd wake up terrified  - obviously not understanding these dreams whatsoever.
They continued into her teenage years ( when we met and I first heard about them ) and well into her adult years - until 10 years ago to be precise.
I  assumed those X's meant these men were marked.  That somehow these would be the fallen.

Part Two.
Cyndi had a Grandmother - her Mother's Mom ( we used to visit her often ) who lived in Downtown Montreal - and had a small city garden ( miniscule ) behind her apartment - where she had 2 large Dutch wooden shoe planters filled with little flowers..............and because of that - for some reason - Cyndi had always just assumed that she had Dutch heritage.

Part Three
After 25 years of marriage Cyndi and her husband sadly decided to part ways...............whereupon she met
Bob whom she felt an instant connection to because Bob - although raised in Canada - was born in Holland.
He went back and forth often throughout his life as he had close relatives that had stayed in the home country.
She would listen to his stories about his " home " in fascination - always feeling a pull towards this Country - a deep connection that she explained away as part of her own Dutch heritage and because of this connection she was drawn to Bob almost instantly.

Part Four
Herman Woodburn Astles.
Cyndi's father - who died the year Cyndi met Bob.
One night Cyndi and Bob were talking about names.............a conversation that happened out of the blue really - and she mentioned her Dad's name to Bob.
" Where does that name come from " she asked
" It's the strangest name " she said
" Woodburn as a middle name is just weird " she said.
He promptly began researching the name whereupon he discovered a Herman Woodburn Astles who had fought in WWl and lost his life in the Battle of Passchendaele
He was buried in Belgium after gracing this earth for 19 years - dying a day before the war ended.
Further investigating brought the discovery that he was Cindy's Great Uncle............the younger brother of Cyndi's grandfather - who had passed before Cyndi was born.
He had named his first son in honor of his beloved younger brother.
If Cyndi's father knew about this it was never shared - Cyndi assumes he didn't.

Part Five
Bob surprised Cyndi with the announcement that they would be going to Europe - her first time leaving North America - and the trip would start in Belgium - where they would visit her Great Uncle's grave.
As they made their way through the cemetery Cyndi's heart began pounding until Bob called out
" Over here ! "
And she made her way to meet her long lost uncle.

They then made their way to the museum.................
Where one of the first items they saw was an infantry uniform.............with a water bag and a kit bag - each put on crosswise across the chest  ........forming a perfect X on the back.

Cyndi has not had the dream since that visit.
Rest In peace Herman.
From the bottom of my grateful heart I thank you for your service - your life - and most of all your perseverance.
It is my absolute honor to share your story.
Lots of amazing things have come out of Belgium.
Some of them remain there.

As a grand finale to this story - last year Cyndi and Bob had the honor of meeting the King and Queen of the Netherlands at a gathering in Toronto. ( left of the pic )

Although we've given Bob the credit for managing that - after what Herman accomplished I know that he had to have a little something to do with it too.

As for Cyndi's Grandmother on her Mother's side?
Well it turns out there was not an ounce of Dutch blood in her.............just a pair of Dutch Wooden shoes in her garden filled with - of course - Myosotis Sylvatica

Otherwise known as.....................
                                                         Forget - me - nots.  

We haven't.            

Listen carefully to your dreams...............sometimes they involve someone desperately trying to share their story.
And they can move mountains to make sure it's told.
A young boy - buried in a far away Country made sure someone from home came by to visit him.
And whisper Thank you.

And it seems that he hasn't stopped just quite yet. This feels like the beginning of a book.
A book I'm going to attempt to write this year.  You know - to fill in the gaps of all those missing years.
But more than that - I want his story to be reached by as many as possible.

It would appear he does too...............

I've struggled to hit publish on this particular post because of the fact that I DO want to turn this into a book.
Now that it's out there have I left myself wide open to theft?
Have I set an impossible deadline for myself?
Should I have kept mum and then if I never finish it only I ( and Cyndi ) would know about it?

And then I thought of everything that young boy from rural Gaspe, Quebec accomplished and I felt ashamed.  He did it without any tools at his fingertips at all.

So here's a little sneak peak of :

By Suzan Sweatman

January 6 1905
Gaspe Quebec

"Good morning young man" his mama whispers in his ear…………he squirms slightly as she nuzzles his neck looking up nervously to make sure Richard isn’t looking their way but Richard’s nose is buried in the Marvelous Land of Oz – the much anticipated sequel to the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.  Pa doesn’t like the notion of his kids reading books – says it’s a waste of time.  Ma slips them in as gifts whenever she can but still they’re careful to read them in his absence only.  Not that he’d do anything harsh but that look he gives with one eyebrow raised is enough to stop them in their tracks.   Richard once threw out a much beloved dog eared book because of that glare and still has no idea that it was retrieved by Ma.  She says it’s a sin to throw anything out that man has created – Pa laughs out loud and asks if she’d save what comes out of the outhouse.  There’s no need to be vulgar she says with disgust.  I don’t want you boys speaking that way, do you hear me?  Pay your father no mind, hear?  But the boys are on the floor howling with laughter.  Pa says the funniest things.  Like when he told the preacher man that God lived in his house– right there in the parlor with the bible – and that he reckoned he was as comfortable here as he’d be anywhere else – and that he was danged sure God didn’t get up every Sunday morning to trek over to that small building with the cross on top when he could just stay in the parlor with the fire going and be nice and warm like.   Ma was mortified.  Didn’t speak to Pa for 3 weeks over that one.  The boys worry now and then for their Pa’s soul but they knew in the end that there wasn’t a finer man this side of Perce Rock and if they know that than surely the Almighty knows it too.
Ma places a steaming plate filled with scrambled eggs and beans and 4 slices of homemade bread.  His birthday breakfast.  He picks up his fork to dig in but the fork is whisked out of his hand before he can start.
"You’re prayers Herbert. Good Lord – you’re the other side of 7 as of today on  I shouldn’t have to remind you to say your prayers " !
"Some have meat and canna eat " THWACK
" OW  "- he yells out in protest - rubbing the side of his temple
"You’ll NOT be saying that blasphemous prayer at our table"
" But Pa sa – "
" I don’t care what your Father says – Robert Burns is not a preacher and you will NOT say that prayer at our table. "
Pa walks in as Herb is rubbing his temple –
" What’s going on here "?  he jovially asks
Ma hisses through her teeth –  " you’re turning these boys into heathens – I won’t have it Charles "!
" God is Great – God is good – let us thank him for our food "
" That’s better Herbert……..thank you "
Pa winks at him and He feels better instantly – it’s always better to be in on a joke with Pa than on the outside of one with Ma.
" Is it your birthday then Herb? "
" Yes Pa " he answers still rubbing his head.

Well there’s a little something for you on the log pile outside – after you’ve split a few of them bring it on in.
" Oh and son? "
" Yes Pa "
" A birthday smack from your Ma is as fine a gift as a young man could ask for - it means she loves you - hope you understan' that "
But Herbert only hears 2 words from that entire sentence.
Pa just called him a young man...........him - Herbert - a young MAN - he changes his mind about running outside to the log pile and instead takes deliberate slow steps like his Pa does.........he's a man now.
Pa always says that there’s nowhere a man needs to get to that he can’t walk to.  Runnin’s for animals and racer’s he says – we ain’t racer’s – we’re just men and we’ll miss all of God’s bounty if we run by it every day.
 When he gets outside there’s a note written in his Pa’s shaky handwriting that reads :
And so he grabs the gifts – there are two in fact – wrapped up in some of Ma’s burlap and heads back into the kitchen. 
He gingerly opens the first gift and gasps with delight – it’s a leather bound note book – his very own notebook
"I suppose if we’re going to have a writer in the family he’ll have to have his own notebook to 
start " his Pa says affectionately ………
Herb knows these are expensive and not the type of thing Pa would easily agree to so Ma had to have a lot to do with this particular gift – he looks at them both with gratitude – what a lucky guy he is that God chose these two to be his parents.  I suppose he really does live in the parlor he thinks – or how could have known?
Richard says –  "hey there kid – aren’t you going to open that other gift "?
Herb feels shy for some unknown reason and opens it carefully.
"Aw gee – thanks Rich " he mumbles.
" Well you can’t be writing your book with blood from your fingertips can ya "?  Richard laughs.
Herb doesn’t know how Richard managed it – Pa doesn’t believe in allowance either – but there in front of him are 3 new pencils.
"I'll do your shoveling this morning for you little brother - Happy Birthday "
" And I'll collect the eggs this morning - just this morning mind you - seeing it's your birthday and all " Ma adds.
Herb feels blessed.  Truly blessed as he gets dressed to hit the outdoors again.  This time it’s to get to school and although he’s closer than a lot of the kids to the school house he still has 2 miles to walk before he can see it in the distance.
"You coming Rich" ? – he asks his older brother
" No " – Pa says – " I need Richard here today – you go on son "
" Bye Ma – bye Pa – have a good day Rich and thanks everyone "
" Cover your face"  Ma yells out the door – drying her wet hands on her apron  but he’s already past the gate and can’t make out her words.
He waves and darts towards the creek – now frozen solid – and decides to take a shortcut by crossing over it.

7 years old seems to be a mighty fine age to be - yes indeed - it might just be the best age of all.

Now excuse me.
I have some writing to do

Given to me  after her first trip.
A simple little token of her travels?
Well I might have thought so at the time but the more I think of it the more I realize I was meant to have those little shoes since the day I met Cyndi.
And I think we all know who made sure they would sit on my desk someday for inspiration.
You see ........that young man who wanted his story told isn't quite finished.

Have a wonderful day everyone
Much love


FLUSTER BUSTER                                                     REFRESH LIVING
SAVVY SOUTHERN STYLE                                     ART & SAND
THE ESSENCE OF HOME                                          FRENCH COUNTRY COTTAGE
BETWEEN NAPS ON THE PORCH                           SAND & SISAL
STONE GABLE                                                            THE INTERIOR FRUGALISTA

Monday, February 22, 2016


In a desperate effort to find color in a world ( my world ) that's filled to the brim with sensible neutrals - I'm dedicating one day a week to colorful vignettes that have caught my eye.

Color me Monday !


And this week's color purchase ( I couldn't resist ! ) 

Keep calm everyone 
And have a colorful Monday !



Friday, February 19, 2016

A FRIDAY CHAT ( about this & that )

Good morning !

Come in - come in !

Coffee - tea - hot chocolate - wine ( I know it's early in the morning but I don't judge ) help yourself!

I've come to the conclusion that I don't really enjoy shopping anymore.
I become overwhelmed by the choices..............back in the day that was a FUN challenge - today not so much.

When I was a kid for example - and I wanted gum - well there were 3 choices -
Double Bubble
Or Black Cat
( and you got a free tiny comic in each pack ! )

And then as I became older I graduated to Chiclets or Wrigleys.

How are you supposed to choose?  My eyes are frantically darting all over the place in a desperate attempt to lock in on one...............


ZULILY keeps showing an ad of a top I really want  ( I mentioned it back on November 19 HERE )

I can't tell you how badly I want it ( to be worn with white linen  pants in the summer !!! )
I've tried twice to order it only to have to go through their entire line of clothing ............to no avail.
So I contacted them.
And in a very gentle way advised them that this was eerily reminiscent of false advertising.
No - No - they assured me - it just means that we've sold out of that particular top - it'll be taken down shortly.
That was 3 months ago.
It still shows up daily on sites I visit - tormenting me.
I miss the days when I only got mad at ads on T.V. ....................

Getting old sucks.
I know - I know - the alternative is worse - but that still doesn't take away the fact that getting old sucks.  Are we supposed to be kicking our heels up in the air everyday because we're not dead?
Do a supercalifragilisticispialidocious when we open our eyes and realize we've opened our eyes?
It seems this is the year - THE YEAR when the aging process is on speed.
It's horrifying - I'm not aging well.
How the hell do people do this gracefully?
I miss my face.
The same face that I always found something wrong with.
I miss my body.
That same body that tormented me all my life.
Be kind to yourself - you will never be as young as you are today ..............again.

Should we " do " politics ?
It's been awhile - and I've heard through the grapevine that there's some who don't like that I do it.......
Should I be a lady and refrain?
Nah - no can do.

This struck me as pretty interesting

Pope Francis said on Thursday that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border is "not Christian."
Speaking aboard his papal plane after visiting Mexico, the pope was asked specifically about Trump's proposal. "A person who only thinks about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian," he said,according to reporters who were on the plane with the pontiff.
The pope stressed that he was not suggesting whom American voters should support in the election: "I am not going to get involved in that. I would only say that this man is not Christian if he has said things like that."
Trump responded to the pope's comments quickly, putting out a campaign statement that "for a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful.”
Yet even as he decried the pope's comments, the billionaire real estate mogul conveniently forgot that he has questioned the Christianity of his Republican rival, Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas). 
Let the twitter war begin - be careful Pope Francis - you have no idea what you've started !
Being Canadian and all - and having the most boring political scene you can imagine ( except for Rob Ford last year - that was pretty eventful I must say )  I have to tell you Americans I'm completely fascinated watching yours.  I even make popcorn some nights - seriously !  And you can't tell me you don't find it funny - even SNL does skits on it ( ok so the creator of SNL is a Canadian - so what? )
Why on earth is John Kasich so low in the polls......................and why is that blustering buffoon bully so ahead?  Talk about narcissism in the extreme.
If I were American and I were a republican Mr. Kasich would be my pick because he seems to really care about people.
If I were American and I were a democrat Mr. Sanders would be my pick because he seems to really care about people.
The rest of the candidates seem to really care about themselves.
I found the cutest little Spring wreaths at the dollar store last week - and then because of that disorder I have I bought 4 of them.............

John hates them - thinks they're tacky.
I say Tacky - schmacky - you must be whacky
John says - I hope you're not going to hang them up all over the house
Suzan says - Nope - I'm going to hang them on my head.
John says - Dear God - I bet you would.
Suzan says - What do you mean " I bet you would " ?  That's what I bought them for

He makes it far too easy for me - you know that already - so now I have one of them in my purse.
I'm waiting for the next time we go out to eat whereupon I'll promptly place it on my head just before the waiter/waitress/server/bringer of nutrition ( I don't know the politically correct word ) comes to our table.
And then I'm going to break out into song........................

Have a wonderful day everyone
And an even better weekend

Hope you all know how much


Thursday, February 18, 2016


Good morning everyone !

Please forgive me for not replying to your comments - I'm having issues with my emails,
I answer one or two and then it freezes -
You know - really - I could just scream - I buy a new computer and apparently I had a virus within 24 hours.  A nasty one.

Anyway this post is not about my computer drama - it's about my kitchen drama :)

John was going to be out the entire day last week with meetings so I waited until he pulled out of the drive way and ran and got my paint.............I knew if I could finish the entire wall and put everything back before he came home - he'd never notice - even if the wall was going from white to BLACK !

I quickly taped it off and hurriedly started painting - nervously watching the clock and panicking a little that something would be cancelled and he'd walk in right in the middle of it.

In addition to trying to do it as quickly as I could - it was going to take 2 coats !

I've painted a wall or 2 black in every house I've lived in for the past 15 years and this is the point
where I always wonder what the hell I'm doing

And then the 2nd coat goes on ( and it never disappoints ) there's something about the clean lines of black against white that I just love

Did you know you can hang your rolling pin on a plate thingamajig?
You're welcome

I was able to get the wall painted ( both sides of the stove ) and everything put back before John walked in the door

I never said a thing..............

When he sat at the island having a glass of water..............looking in the general direction of THE wall...............

Suzan says - I cut some hearts out for Valentine's day
John says - Yeah - I was just looking at them
Suzan says - What do you think of them?
John says - Seems a little silly to me - it's just you and me here tonight -
Suzan says -  I can't tell you how impressed I am that you noticed them
John says - smugly - Well it'd be pretty hard not to see them don't you think?
Suzan says - I suppose so................

Lindsay and Tony came over later for a coffee ( daughter and son in law )

Tony says - HEY !   That wall wasn't black on the weekend !
John says - What are you talking about?
Tony says - That black wall - it was white on the weekend
John says - No - it was always black....................
Lindsay says - It wasn't always black
John says - Well we have black walls in every room !

We don't.
One of the guest rooms has a black wall  HERE
and a wall in the entry way was painted black well over a year ago ( maybe two? )..............HERE
it no longer is

I swear to you if I moved one golf club from inside the bag he'd know it....................paint an entire wall black?
Not so much LOL

Ok - I'm off - I'm painting a desk today - ( not black )
You all have a wonderful Thursday


FRENCH COUNTRY COTTAGE                                  MY TURN FOR US
BETWEEN NAPS ON THE PORCH                              STONE GABLE
AN EXTRAORDINARY DAY                                       KATHE WITH AN E
FLUSTER BUSTER                                                        REFRESH LIVING
SAVVY SOUTHERN STYLE                                        ART & SAND
THE ESSENCE OF HOME                                             LAMBERTS LATELY

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I WANNA live there Wednesday # 150

Good morning everyone !

I'm seriously freaked out over this week's IWLTW - so much so that my fingers are literally flying across the keyboard so that I can get started with the photos !

We're back in New Orleans ( next to Montreal I think I've shown New Orlean's homes more than any other )

The French Quarter
Built in 1830
3 Beds - 3 Baths
2438 sq. ft

Let's go !!!

This space - oh my gosh - this space with the view of the courtyard

And these doors.............

It just gets better and better

ARGGGHHHH - this isn't fair !!!!!!!!!!

There is a house in New Orleans...............................

I'm buying at least 5 extra lottery tickets tonight !!!!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone


ART & SAND                                                THE ESSENCE OF HOME
AN EXTRAORDINARY DAY                              KATHE WITH AN E