Monday, December 8, 2014

Thank You Tina !

Good Morning everyone !!!

Tina from WHAT WE KEEP kindly agreed to do a guest post for me this morning so that I could tie up the loose strings of my melt down ( yesterday's post )
If you don't know her, you're missing out on one fun lady ( yuck - doesn't that make us sound old ? ) 
Take it away Tina !!!

There is another John in Suzan's life.
 John Denver.
We are those squirrel-y, know every word to every song girls.
She has a sign that she made with the lyrics to Annie's Song.
I have a music box that plays Annie's Song.
A Canadian and a Texan...yes, our world is small-
but in the magical Land of Blog we really do find our people.

Suze asked me to guest post for her while she and her John finish 
killing each other/building the mantel.

What to do...
Of course, JD came to mind immediately.
One of my favorite Christmas songs is his 
"A Baby Just Like You".
I used some lyrics to create this quick and easy pillow.

I used a scrap from a linen curtain, a cottonball dipped in CitraSolve and a spoon. 
I created the wording on PicMonkey.
Always remember to reverse the image before you save it in PicMonkey
I printed it out using a LaserJet printer.
It must be LaserJet.

Lay out your fabric on some paper towel on a hard surface.
Tape your image down with painter's tape. ( Ink side down.)
Pretend that you are simply removing your nail polish and load up your cottonball w/CitraSolve.
You don't want it too wet- too much will smear the image.
This is one of those things you learn as you go- a few blunders in the beginning are to be expected.
Rub firmly but gently over the printed paper, then take a spoon and burnish the image,
again being careful not to smudge by applying too much pressure.

And there you go...

Let your fabric dry- this is really quick since it's a solvent.
Don't light your funny cigarettes around this stuff, ladies.

Grab a pillow that you already have and attach the printed fabric to it.
Since this is so temporary, a few dots of hot glue or some decorative pins does the job.
Pop on some fresh greenery and then stand back and admire your handiwork.

This type of pillow is very trendy right now- and not inexpensive.
You really can create this look for next to nothing and no sewing skills are required.

Five minutes. 
I hope you'll try it!
There are so many simple ways to use this process.

Our SuzyQ will return shortly with tales of her John and their hilarious conversations.
This mantel making process promises to be a doozy! hahahaha
I love those two- like our very own Lucy and Ricky.

Merry Christmas everyone!

A guest post AND a John Denver post ?
Blessings to be held dear.
Thanks so much Tina - LOVE your word art - it's gorgeous ( like everything you do - PLUS you know how to take a photo........................)

Have a wonderful day everyone ♥

Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Blogger who really shouldn't be a blogger

This is a story about a blogger ( who really shouldn't be a blogger )

She tries ( really really tries ) to keep up and is always behind

Most evenings find her in a panic trying desperately to respond to comments ( of which she usually fails miserably )
For this reason
A simple thank you seems so unfitting because there's a connection with the ladies who leave them -
But the kind of replies she wants to type up are lengthy which leaves her completely overwhelmed - so she mostly replies in her head.

She also fails miserably at visiting people site's.....................

Her photos leave a lot to be desired

AND the number one reason she's a blogger who really shouldn't be blogging is when she tried to delete some posts she had in her DRAFT file - she accidentally deleted current posts ( which have been linked to parties ) so when people click on the link they get

This blogger who really shouldn't be blogging has been thinking a lot.

Deeply on this subject.

New Years resolution this year will be one of 2 things.

1)  Become a better blogger
2)  Fade into the sunset

Either way there's still 3 weeks of being a blogger who really shouldn't be blogging.

Now you know why you don't see the last few current posts.
How embarrassing.

One of the posts she accidentally deleted showed a photo of this

Just a pile of wood she had laying around from other reno projects -
It now looks like this

The blogger ( who really shouldn't be blogging ) recently got a new camera ( cheapy ) and couldn't figure out how to turn off the all photos of this project are going to be crap ( even pic monkey can't save her here )
But she HAS to show you a tutorial on this one because it's the simplest project you can imagine.

Now the blogger ( who really shouldn't be blogging ) has to go downstairs and finish this baby.............

Have a wonderful Sunday one and all !!!

Much love,
A frazzled Me,

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Easy DIY Christmas Wreaths

Good morning everyone !

I had a bunch of garland that we used to use outside on our veranda in the city - it was a little " beaten up " from the elements - and since we no longer have an outdoor veranda in the front - I decided to repurpose them into wreaths.

I simply cut them with wire snippers to the desired length and folded each end into each other and voila !

New wreaths for the kitchen

The great thing about making them this way is you can customize the size of them - I wanted small ones for the kitchen buffet -

The pine cones were already a part of this garland - but it would be nothing to add some to these -
Or anything at all for that matter !

I hung them by placing a tack on the inside of the doors and draping the ribbon over ( so I wouldn't damage the front of the doors ( who cares about the back of them, right?  lol )

And so a new obsession was born, just like that

One ( oversized ) garland made all these - they're just waiting to have red berries attached to them

I think I have 4 more garlands - so this shall be named " The Year of the Wreaths "

Have a wonderful day !!!
Much love,

Looking for inspiration?
Join me at these fabulous parties !

Savvy Southern Style                                     DIY by Design
Knick of Time                                               Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
From My Front Porch To Yours                   French Country Cottage
Too Much Time on my Hands                       My Turn for Us
Classy Clutter                                               Between Naps on the Porch
A Stroll Thru Life                                          Sand & Sisal
Kathe with an E                                         

Monday, December 1, 2014

Kitchen Curtains

John says - Is that the table cloth hanging on the door?

Suzan says - Yes it is - do you like it?
John says - Why not? We've got pillow cases on windows and blankets hanging off walls
Suzan says - It's not a blanket - it's a duvet cover - and I created a bed nook with that - I would NOT hang a blanket randomly on the wall !!!  ( the guest room HERE )
Suzan says - You've got to think outside the box sometimes honey

John says - It's ridiculous now..................really - why can't we just use the table cloth as a table cloth?

I knew it, you know.
I knew that would be exactly what he would say ( bet most of you knew it by now too )
But I did it anyway

Now we have an ongoing issue in this house -
John leaves his winter coat thrown on either a living room chair or one in the den ......................
He doesn't see the sense in putting it away since he'll have to put it back on ( get it?  much like the reason I'm going to stop making the bed )

He asked if I could bring him the newspaper he'd left in there..............
I walked into the room and let out a blood curdling scream

I thought somebody was up in the window - ( does anyone remember that horrific scene in Peyton Place? )
He sat in the kitchen roaring his head off.....................

John says - Well if you can keep raiding the linen closet - I thought I'd take something from the coat closet.
John says - You keep complaining that I leave it laying around.
John says - You've got to think outside the box sometimes, honey.

When I came back in the kitchen he was holding the camera.

John says - Here you go - go blog about it.

And so I did.
But I'll get him back -
Not sure how yet but I most definitely will.
When the kids finally have us committed I want my own room.
With windows to hang duvets and pillow cases and table cloths from.

It's December 4th - winter's practically over !!!
Christmas decorating has officially started !
Have a wonderful day " y'all "
Much love,

Looking for inspiration?
Join me at these fabulous parties !

The Charm of Home                            French Country Cottage            Too Much Time on my Hands
My Turn for Us                                   Savvy Southern Style

My love of branches continues !

There were branches laying around the property and before I knew it I was snipping away and dragging them into the living room.

Most of you know my love of them - ( and John's hate of them HERE - it's quite funny actually )

But they work well with Christmas berry garland thrown in for good measure

Oh and I discovered that an old ladder is the perfect place to hang a wreath - the wires from the lights look a little messy I know, but this is sooooo pretty in the evening that I'll try to ignore it in the day .
The mandatory branches remain in place.

I then snipped some evergreen branches and put lights in them...................

Christmas decorating starts in earnest this week I suppose - I have a lot to make up for since we couldn't decorate last year..................because well - it looked like this, remember?
This was taken a week after we'd moved in...............

It's far from finished - much farther than I thought I'd be a year later - but at the very least there's some areas I can place a wreath and garland..................

That pedestal with the candelabra on it?
That's holding up the shutter doors that still haven't been installed.
There's a lot of things just precariously placed where I want them to eventually go lol - but the den sits cosily behind them.

Have a wonderful day every one !
Much love,

Sharing at these parties !

Between Naps on the Porch                       Coastal Charm                       The Dedicated House
Sand & Sisal                                      Stone Gable                            Kathe with an E                     
A Stroll Thru Life                                       Savvy Southern Style              Knick of Time
DIY by Design                                           The Charm of Home               French Country Cottage            From my Front Porch to Yours                  Too Much Time on my Hands                                       
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson                My Turn for Us

Friday, November 28, 2014

A Friday chat ( about this & that )

Every time John walks in the house ( even if he's just been outside raking ) he yells out
HELLO  In a very loud booming voice.
Like he's just returned from a long trip.
And every single time he does it Soda starts barking her head off - flying all over the place and I almost trip on her getting downstairs
I ask him constantly to please stop doing it -
Last week I was in the porch putting something away - he had gone to the corner store for something
The door swung open and he yells out

Suzan says - I'm right behind you, you know, one of these days you're going to give me a heart attack.  I'm right here
John says - Oh I didn't see you
Suzan says - Can you hear Soda?  You're making her and I crazy with this
John says - Why?  I'm just letting you know I'm back
Suzan says - You were only gone 5 minutes - I don't get it John - can you please stop doing it - it's making me a nervous wreck actually
John says - Well we have too much stuff in this house

WTH?  This is exactly the way he deals with everything - Tit for Tat.

Suzan says - What does that have to do with you yelling every time you walk in the door?
John says - I'm just saying -
John says - There's things you do that drive me crazy too, you know
Suzan says - But your thing is so easy to stop - really !

So...................later in the week he went to an appointment -
I was puttering in the kitchen with the music blasting when I feel a tap on my shoulder...................

Grasping the counter because my legs could barely hold me up - I turn around - ready to meet the killer who's entered my home -

John smiles...................
John says - Is that better?
Suzan says - NO - YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK - ( as I repeatedly swatted him with a dishcloth
John says - I can't win - no matter what - I can't bloody win

I wish police would AIM TO MAIM..........................not kill 
And that's all I'm going to say on that subject.

I keep forgetting to moisturize - how does someone forget to do that?
But dry skin intrigues me - sometimes I can't even concentrate on a movie because I'm too busy staring at the alligator skin on my legs -
Fascinating stuff AND it keeps life from getting boring - sometimes you really have to count your blessings

Suzan says - John look at my legs
John says - What about them ?
Suzan says - Look closely - they look like alligator skin
John says - Oh for God sakes - do you hear yourself?
Suzan says - Here, touch them - it's gross
John says - Wow - they're pretty rough
Suzan says - That's the hair - I haven't shaved them in awhile
Suzan says - Here - give me your hand - you have to rub it this way

John yanks his hand back -
John says - Do you think I could just watch the end of the movie?

HE JUST WATCHED IT LAST WEEK ( for the 10th time )

Suzan says - We don't share anymore

John says - I felt your leg - what else do you want me to do?

hmmmmm..........................never mind.

Suzan says - Lindsay and Tony are coming for supper - they're bringing home made Cream of Leek
John says - Oh I love that soup
John says - But why do they call it Cream of Leek I wonder?
Suzan says - Oh I don't know - MAYBE BECAUSE IT'S MADE FROM LEEKS?
John says - Huh?
Suzan says - L. E. E. K.  - don't you know what Leeks are ?
John laughs - I never realized that
John says - I thought it was a nick name because it's the color of piss

Cream of L.E.A.K.
O.M.G. - I don't know how it's possible.

Anyway he had 3 helpings of Cream of Pee soup and loved it.........................( but he wouldn't touch the Brushchetta we made to go with it - pee and brushetta are a no - no in his world )

Here's the recipe she found at Fettle Vegan Recipes I'll definitely be making this again soon.
Try it -the quickest easiest recipe out there -  I promise you'll love it - !
( well if you love cream of leek soup that is - if you hate it then you'll still hate it I - I doubt it'll change your mind  )

I guess it's winter...............but we still don't have any snow so it doesn't feel like it yet - when you live in a 4 season climate,  you almost need snow to get ready for Christmas - strange but true.
What would I do living in the South?
( besides loving every single moment of the heat? )

Have a wonderful weekend everyone -
I know most of you will be having turkey sandwiches today ( which is my favorite part of cooking a turkey )
Much love,

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks


Here in Canada we celebrate it a month earlier - because otherwise the crops would have all been frozen solid if we waited until you Americans had yours................
But we celebrate the same thing.

Giving thanks.

And I didn't want this day to pass without thanking all of you - who come by and read my ( more often than not ) silly blog.

From the bottom of my ( and John's - he specifically asked me to include him )

Happy Thanksgiving

Eat a little too much
Drink a little too much
Nap a little too much
THIS is the day to do it.

Oh and give thanks - there's such a tremendous amount to be thankful for........................

Whether you're the chef or the eater - have a wonderful day

Much love,

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I WANNA live there Wednesday # 104

Good Hump Day Morning everyone !

I came across this Connecticut home previously owned by Renee Zelleger -
Built in 1770 - it's just beautiful - filled with historical details but with modern amenities - I'm in love !!!
I'm not sure what it sold for but it was on the market 1.5 million - which seems like a steal to me
( considering )

and than if all that weren't enough - the property comes with a recreational barn - sheer perfection !

It also includes a guest house - and several out buildings -

Not too shabby for a country escape, is it?

Did I mention it sits on 39 acres?
For 1.5 million?

All above images sourced from FRONT DOOR

Now here's a few images from Pomfret, Connecticut - I'm blown away at the beauty




Oh I so WANNA live there !!!

Have a wonderful day everyone -
Much love,
Looking for inspiration?
Join me at these fabulous parties !

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs.Olson                                        Too Much Time on My Hands
My Turn For Us                                                               Life on Lakeshore Drive
I Should be Mopping the Floor                                         Distressed Donna Down Home
Between Naps on the Porch                                             Coastal Charm
A Stroll Thru Life                                                             Kathe with an E
Savvy Southern Style