Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I WANNA live there Wednesday # 108

Good morning everyone !!!

I keep thinking I'm going to run out of these homes one day - but every now and then I find one that leaves me completely mesmerized and daydreaming what I could do with them - this is one of those ..............

Again, in Westmount

And if this is your first time here please note that if the prices seem high - this is a beautiful area in Montreal - adjacent to Down Town - most of the homes are turn of the century - and usually filled to the brim with architectural details.  ( and I'm just a little partial to it since we sold our Victorian " flat " in that area last year and I'm still missing it  )
These are not home tours - so if they are not decorated to your taste that's fine - they're homes that are listed for sell.

5 beds
3 baths
1 half bath
Year built - 1914

See that top balcony?  I LOVE it !

Talk about a grand entrance - isn't this spectacular ?

I almost can't take in the beauty of this room - big gorgeous chandeliers and it's done !

This reminds me of a Manhattan prewar apartment

Oh what I could do to this kitchen - love the stairs !

Maybe add some ceiling beams ?


Not sure why there's 2 bathrooms off this room - but I'm thinking one is for the toilet - and one for bathing

This next photo?
This is the type of thing that I adore about these houses - makes me crazy with " want "

Extra lottery tickets are in order this week I think !
I'm absolutely in love with this gem - and to be honest with you - for the location - this is positively a steal!

Have a wonderful day everyone !
Big hugs,

Looking for inspiration?
Join me at these fabulous parties !

FRENCH COUNTRY COTTAGE                                 MY TURN FOR US
MY ROMANTIC HOME                                              LIFE ON LAKESHORE DRIVE
SAND & SISAL                                                     STONE GABLE ( the Scoop )
CUPCAKES & CRINOLINE                                 KATHE WITH AN E
SAVVY SOUTHERN STYLE                                        BEYOND THE PICKET FENCE

A hole in a tiny heart.....................

Once upon a time there were.......................

2 Brothers.
One was frail - born with a hole in his tiny heart - that took many operations to correct.
He was coddled - over protected - and over compensated for.
His brother was more robust - far healthier - and like is so often the case - overlooked because his brother was a constant source of worry to their parents.

2 Brothers.
One quite spoiled because of circumstances.
One always trying to find the love the parents seemed to mostly show the other.
One constantly praised.
One always in " trouble " for something or other .

2 Brothers.
One very articulate - able to speak his mind in whatever fashion he chose - without any scolding.
The other developing a stutter trying to get his broken words out as quickly as he could - before the attention was inevitably transferred to his little brother.
Mostly being told to " spit it out for God's Sakes ! "

2 Brothers.
The little boy with the hole in his tiny heart, thrived.
He married a girl whom his parents approved of.
The healthier boy married a girl who was Catholic - the wrong religion completely.
He was always doing the wrong thing...............

Until his first child was born - the first grandchild !
A girl !
The first girl born on his Father's side in too many years to count !
He finally did something right.
And the joy that this brought to the parents slowly erased the painful memories of
a boy who was denied the emotional connections he so desperately needed.
His stutter disappeared.
He walked a little taller - the future was bright and there was a whole lifetime ahead of them all.
To make peace - to forgive - to embrace - to erase..................

Except there wasn't.
The little boy with the hole in his heart is a strong healthy man today - 78 years later.
The healthier boy?
Well he was gone not long after his 29th birthday - because what they didn't know - couldn't know -
was that a brain aneurysm beats a hole in a tiny heart.

He left a widow of 24 years old to raise children as a single Mother.

His Father drove into a brick wall the day he lost him - an unsuccessful suicide attempt.
He fell to his knees in the hospital screaming " No God - Please No God - I can't bear it "
He had to be sedated but when he finally stood up people swore he was half the size forever more, the stoop in his back was so pronounced.
His Mother had to be restrained from throwing herself in the grave at his funeral - not being able to bear being separated from her first born.
All that love..................from the core of their being - ( and there is no doubt it was there ) being expressed just a little too late.

They showered his children with more love then they probably showed even the boy with 2 holes in his tiny heart.
They were coddled - over protected - and over compensated for -  of which they had much experience.
They were fiercely protective of them - they spoiled them and loved them unconditionally - perhaps in hopes that their Son could witness it from beyond.

But his passing left a hole in each of their hearts.................that no operation could fix.

They've long since joined their boy -
The little boy with the hole in his tiny heart went on to have a very successful career.
The widowed bride remarried.
And that first born grandchild?
She has a blog where she sometimes shares just a little too much............................

He was their Son -
I am his daughter -
At 55 I've been on this earth almost double the time he was granted
I wish I could hug him.
Just hug him.
He left a tiny hole in my heart too.

A tough lesson in the importance of loving unconditionally.

Have yourselves a wonderful day
I'll fill you in on how Mother Nature bit me after my last chat on how Spring like it was here in Montreal
AND how my new camera died.................( which is why you're left with only words for today's post )
Much love
( unconditional of course ! )