Monday, October 7, 2013

The connections we make !!!

Good morning everyone :)

Ok - so if you saw yesterday's post ( HERE ) then you'd know that John and I appear to be on completely different pages with our wants and needs in choosing a new home...............
As I was reading the comments I decided to call John into the office and read them aloud to him.

This is hilarious folks - absolutely hilarious - this man is too much

Suzan says - Come John - I want to read you the comments on the house you loved yesterday
John says - Why?
Suzan says - Well there's some interesting advice here
John says - We're taking advice from bloggers now?
Suzan says - Yes actually I am - I'm lost at sea here and I'm hoping someone throws me a paddle
John says - Well if you're asking blogger's advice - then I'm going to start asking my customers for their advice.
John says - What exactly is going on here anyway?  ( it's a conspiracy John - a CONSPIRACY )
Suzan says - Your customer's are clothing designers - what kind of advice are they going to give you about a house?
John says - Well maybe before we buy any new clothes I'll check with them - you know - sort of like what your doing with buying a house.
Suzan says - A lot of them are favorable to the house you like
John says - Oh - ok - read them then
Suzan says - No, actually, I don't think I will now.

But I did - and those of you that agreed with John - you'll be greatly honored to know that he's given you
the " John Wood Common Sense Award "
For those of you that agreed with me - well hate to break this to you - but apparently you're all as nuts as I am :(

Anyway, as I'm reading the comments, I came across this one ( from a follower in Ontario - not even from these here parts - although her Son and Daughter-in-law are )  Check out what RAZMATAZ sent me ( and then check out her link - she has a great shop!!! )

I would be less than enthusiastic about John's pick. I am sure you could make it nice, but I am with you, I like a house with character. This is a very cute house here. Not sure what area you are looking in, but it is near the lake in Senneville.

You can find out about this area here SENNEVILLE

and this is where the above link sent me

A while back ( RAZMATAZ ) contacted me to ask if I had an ornate mirror or frame ( which I did - you can find the original post on that frame HERE - I painted it a glossy white because it was for her first
new born Granddaughters bedroom.
Tomorrow I meet the Mother of that little baby girl - because she happens to be the agent for this listing !!!

Now I'm going to tell you blogging brings me much joy - it's gotten me through some rough times in the last couple of years - it allows me to connect with like minded people - it's introduced me to many many new friends - but NEVER in a million years - NEVER did I think it would be the source of a potential new house.

Suzan says - Well John - it looks like a fellow blogger may have found us a home
John says - Hummph
Suzan says - I was just wondering, has anyone in your industry let you in on a gem of a house for sale lately?
Suzan says - BTW - this particular blogger is one of the ones that's as " nuts " as I am LMHOROTF !!!
Suzan says - She didn't like your pick at all LOL
Suzan says - She can't imagine me living there LMHO
John says - Oh stop laughing  - you sound like a hyena.................if these people really knew you...................

We saw 2 other gems yesterday - GEMS - I'll post them tomorrow for I WANNA live there - because now we all know I desperately need your feedback - PLEASE keep it coming - if only to drive John right around the bend - weaken his defenses - and make him come around to my way of thinking ( insert Hyena laugh here - which by the way is a new one - he usually claims I sound like a witch )

I can tell you this whole process has left me Simply Suzan :)
I was in bed by 10 p.m. last night, something that hasn't happened in a very very long time - talk about a cure for insomnia !!!

Much love,

Sharing with!
Savvy Southern Style

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Elephant in the room..................

Good morning everyone !!!

I should start this off by saying I have read every one of your comments - but I just don't have the time to reply to them - you're amazing - each and everyone of you - with your positive caring comments that you
almost lift me out of my complete panic and exhaustion and overwhelmation ( you all know that I love to invent words right?  AND overwhelmation should be a word don't you think?
You all lifted my spirits like you can't imagine.

We went yesterday to look at a few houses.....................and here's how it went
Remember the house on the river?

John gave it a big fat " Uh Uh - no way - fuggedaboudit "
I saw potential - but to be very honest with you it was in pretty rough shape and would be a complete gut and for all that it entailed it was definitely overpriced.

So we went to see the next one - but honestly we never went inside because it was right next to the highway
If John and I were having one of our " conversations " in the front yard, he could simply nudge me a little and throw me into traffic that's going 100 miles an hour.................

So off we went to the next one..............

John gave it a big fat " Uh Uh - no way - fuggedaboudit "
Again I saw potential - actually I saw a lot of potential because there was an unfinished basement in this one.
You see that tiny space between the garage and house?
That isn't as tiny as it appears and would be the most ideal little studio for me -
The house is tiny and quirky and I think I could make it absolutely adorable...................
( it's not fun  house hunting with some who has zero vision - I can tell you right now )

Ok - then off to this one which stole my heart........
I refuse to put an X through this one yet - it's tiny but there's room for expansion - we could definitely add a huge master bedroom to one side of it and the seller is very motivated - the photo does NOT do it justice because it's SO charming inside...........
But if this were John's blog he'd insist on an X through it as well

The only one John approved of - wanted - sees us living in is this one - LOVED actually  - is the one I'm about to show you - and here I'll show you all the photos so you can see for yourself and understand where he's leaning towards.
Before I do - I just want to say that it DOES have potential - it's just that it lacks charm completely ( well it has a very charming solarium - but that's where all charm starts and ends ) it's a cookie cutter house - a very typical suburban type home and nothing at all like what I've been picturing myself in.
You could do wonders with it - I have no doubt of that - but it's never going to be quirky - and how do you fit a quirky person into such a place?  There's no nooks and crannies - no little delightful surprises that you find in century old farmhouses - no dormer windows - just square rooms - with square windows - and perfectly even straight walls and even more perfect ceilings -
It's like trying to fit a circle into a square, don't you think?

I'm going to point out ( with half a heart really ) the positives here
( you've got to accentuate the positive ) 

I do like the fireplace - maybe even love it
and I do like the bow window

I really don't like the floors - at all -
but I'm trying to eliminate the negative 
and floors can be changed

I don't like the floor - and I don't like the counter tops  oops I forgot about eliminating the negative
Sooooooooooooo - it's an eat in kitchen - facing the back yard - and there's a ton of cupboards - and we're bringing our own appliances which I much prefer - and again we could change the floor and the countertops.

There are 3 good sized bedrooms - 2 of them have king sized beds in them
Here's the master

accentuate the positive ( I've never had a master bath - so even if it's small - this is HUGE for me )

and the last bedroom

and if I had to latch on to the affirmative
this would be what does it for me - ( and yes - the panelling would be painted - but you already know that, right? )

It also has a HUGE basement - unfinished so we could add value by finishing that I suppose - AND an immaculate garage - so there's tons of space where I could paint furniture from................and the back yard
is massive ( well massive for a city girl's standards anyway )
It's almost perfect - if only there weren't so may miles between almost and is

And that's where we stand as of Sunday night -

Tomorrow we're off to see these

Later on at home.
Suzan says - are you going to find something wrong with every house I see potential in ?
John says - not at all - I'm pretty easy
Suzan says - that's easy?  good grief John - you vetoed everything except the last one................
Suzan says - and you know what I can do - you've seen it - I've pulled rabbits out of hats.
John says - maybe so - but you can't pull an elephant out of one, now can  you?
Suzan says - now that may be the most ridiculous thing you've ever said.
Suzan says - it makes no sense at all
Suzan says - don't you know what the expression means?
John says - It MEANS that those homes will take more then a rabbit - there's huge work to be done
Suzan says -YOU'RE THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!

This is going to be FUN FUN FUN guys - roll out the barrel...................
Out early tomorrow - probably back late
You all have a great Monday :)

You've got to spread joy up to the maximum
Bring gloom down to the minimum
Have faith or pandemonium's
Libel to walk up on the scene
( in the form of an elephant I presume )

Much love,

Sharing with!
The Savvy Southern Style

A Hunting we will go.................( for houses )

Busy busy weekend !!!

Great work space for furniture

Off the River - HUGE potential

Interesting interior

Beautiful backyard with inground pool - HUGE basement for workshop

Tugs at my heart a little - plus it has an attic and a basement!!!

Interesting interior - charming dining room with brick fireplace

My heart lives here already - without having visited it!!!

Heigh Ho - the Dairy Oh - a hunting we will go :)

Have a wonderful Sunday all!
Much love,

Friday, October 4, 2013

Easy Potato Pancakes

What do you get when you have an Irish Catholic Maternal Grandmother - and a Jewish Paternal Grandfather?  Mass confusion - and a granddaughter who loves eating foods that have no business being
served together.
Observant Jews everywhere - I apologize in advance -
Devout Catholics - well I'm not offending any Christians here am I ???

I LOVE Jewish food - all the unhealthy fattening high cholesteral ones especially -
I can eat a whole container of chopped liver on anything really - smoked meat on rye ( you Americans refer to it as Pastrami )  bagels and cream cheese and lox? Weekly in my household - but what I LOVE more than anything are latkes ( potato pancakes  ) I can eat them thick - thin - large - tiny - with sour cream - with apple sauce - with nothing - I LOVE them - and because I was raised Catholic I don't have to wait for the Jewish holidays to make them lol - I make them whenever I feel like them!!!
I was probably the only little girl that wanted a bagel after my First Communion LMHO !!!
I was also the only Catholic girl that hung around B'nai Brith for years and years growing up - but that's another story for another day...................( with lots of hilarity I can assure you - like when a Rabbi insisted I take off my Cross - and I refused to - and he berated me for an hour over my reluctance to admit I was Jewish LOL )

My love of latkes comes by quite honestly I believe - I love potatoes in any form from my Irish roots after all.

They're really very simple to make -

You grate 2 potatoes - you can put them in your food processor  but I prefer to do them with a hand grater
( basically because I'm too lazy to pull out the food processor and even too lazier to clean it all after )
I then place them in a colander and press a plate into them to extract as much liquid as you can out of them )

Then you chop up 2 table spoons of onion  ( I always double it - depends on how much you like onions )
I had to chop extra anyway because I dumped them in the bowl before showing the size I cut them to
( hey this is really a furniture makeover blog lmho )

You add 2 or 3 eggs ( some people add 3 - I add 2 )
Want to see my measuring spoons?

I can't remember where I bought them but I've had them forever - they have such pretty details on them and are too pretty to use - so I use this one LOL  ( which is the best one on the market in my humble opinion - same spoon for all - you just slide until you hit the measurement you need  )

ok - so there I go again with my A.D.D. - this is supposed to be a recipe!!!
Add 2 tablespoons of flour...............

and then lastly you add black pepper -

You stir all the ingredients together to make a " mush " ( would that be schmush in Jewish ? )
and spoon drop them into hot ( Peanut oil - or whatever oil you choose - I'm not bossy like that )
I've been know to use lard - but Dear God - don't tell anyone else that.

let that oil do it's magic until they're a beautiful golden brown - flip

and Voila ( or Vey is Mir )  you have Latke's

I can even eat them cold - they're to die - really !!!

John had 7 of them - you don't need to know how many I had....................

potato, pancakes, recipe

Add a nice greasy fried pork chop to that and well...............sometimes you have to eat what you love even if
it's not the healthiest dish on the planet, right?

Oh and I completely forgot about another Jewish food I can't get enough of !!!
Which I'm having right now - because if you're going to go to CALORIE HELL

You may as well go all the way :)

Have a great Friday everyone!!!

Sharing with !!!
Mellywood's Mansion                                  Decor to Adore                            Funky Junky Interiors
It's Overflowing                                           Not Just a Housewife                    Homework
The Winthrop Chronicles                             I Gotta Create                              Shabby Creek Cottage
Savvy Southern Style                                  Common Ground                          French Country Cottage
Uncommon Design                                     CraftOManiac                               Coastal Charm
Stone Gable                                               Common Ground                          My Turn ( for us )
The Shabby Nest

Thursday, October 3, 2013

It's a BLoglovin' Blog Hop Party!!!

Welcome to bloglovin' and blog hopping Thursday once again!  We are so happy to be joining together to bring you the  bloglovin' Blog Hop to help grow our blogs.   It's always a great idea to have many ways for friends to follow your blog. 

Each week we rotate one other social media to follow.  This week we are adding your blog and Twitter along with bloglovin'!   As a bonus this week we are leaving the Hometalk link up!   Friends can hop on over to visit your blog.   

A huge thank you to everyone who joined us last week.  We hope you made some new friends! 

Bloglovin Blog Hop, Twitter Hop, Hometalk Hop

Please follow each hostess, and leave us a comment so we can return the follow!   Please follow your hostesses and visit other at least 3 or 4 other links!  

We would love to feature a co-host each week, so please send one of us an email if you would like to be a co-host.  We would love for you to join us!

Please link up your bloglovin' follow link.  To find your URL, just click on your follow by bloglovin' button.  Copy and past the URL link.  That's all there is to it!  

Thank you so much for joining us!  We hope you make many new friends and followers each week.  

Not mandatory, but we would love for you to share our blog hop button.    That's a great way for us to all gain new friends. 


Your Modern Family                                                           ref="nofollow"

Becky @ Your Modern Family                            Doreen @  HouseHoneys  

  ref="nofollow"                                       My Photo
  Kathy @ Life on Lakeshore Drive                             Suzan @ Simply Vintageous      

                                                              My Photo  

                                                            Tammy @ One More Time Events

How do you like your coffee, crisp?

What sickening spoiled brats!!!

I think the emergency rooms would be filled with men with 3 degree burns today LOL
We've come a long way, baby !!!

Have a good one ;)