Friday, May 2, 2014

A little rant.....................Yoko OH NO !!!

Ok - I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say I think there's something seriously wrong with this woman....................always was btw.
The only way one of the love stories of the century could have ever happened is exactly the way it did,
he was stoned out of his mind.

It's very unkind of me I know - but c'mon - this is just so ridiculous - and that people actually stood around watching this " performance " is even more ridiculous to me.
How are they able to keep a straight face?
There'd be a puddle of pee on the floor beneath me ( because I KNOW I would have literally peed my pants laughing watching this in person - I almost did just watching it on you tube !!! )
It's what I would imagine a hippo mating call would sound like...............

But then again I'm an ignoramus when it comes to art - you can read about my take on art  HERE
and see some of my creations such as this one

For your viewing pleasure I present YOKO ONO - the one and only ( Thank God )

You'd think she'd have gotten better with age - you know - practice and all that stuff - take a look at this one - OMG -

That's it - just thought I'd share some of the " talent " that's out there :)

If you feel the earth move under your feet
or the sky come tumblin' down
That's just John Lennon rolling over in his grave :)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

If bloggers were children..................

We'd all be labeled with A.D.D

Every last one of us.

Oh - look what I did
Oh - Oh - look what I made
Oh Oh Oh - come see what I found
OMG - you're going to go crazy when you see this

We'd be jumping up and down at our little desks, all screaming and squealing with delight
and coveting what the little girl next to us was making or doing - or painting - or.................

We'd frantically be drawing pictures of things we loved and putting them in scrapbooks so that we could look at them over and over again.

At recess we'd be showing off our snacks - our very pretty snacks

At lunch time we'd be beaming with pride as beautiful goodness fell out of our lunch boxes..............

We'd have slumber parties where every one would ooooh and ahhhh over the gorgeous linens and matching curtains ( created out of drop cloths )  as we all gathered in a circle to create wreaths with the left over remnants.

While other little girls were painting actual pictures - we'd be painting the Teacher's desk - and distressing it slightly for authenticity - and the more ambitious of us would do all the student's desks in complimentary colors.

If our shoes got scuffed we'd cover them with Duct Tape and create little masterpieces as we danced our ways down the hall.

Stickers would mysteriously go missing from Teacher's supplies - and show up covering the lunch room walls

Ink pads would be " borrowed " on a frequent basis to decorate chairs with

We'd all be going through the trash cans at the end of the day frantically salvaging old rulers.

Instead of filling little egg cartons with seeds - we'd landscape the entire grounds

After we brought the Teacher an apple - we'd ask if we could take photos of it

And chalkboards?
Well they just wouldn't know what hit them
The Teachers would turn around to write something on it - and there before their very eyes would be
exquisitely written recipes - or scripture or Welcome Spring - or Fall or Winter ( summer they'd remain nice and clean since we wouldn't be there )



We call it blogging
Welcome to our world !

Don't knock it
Annie Sloan must have been one of those little girls stealing CHALK from the Teachers - maybe she started off mixing it with her milk at lunch - but look what she created !

P.S.S. -  Oh Oh Oh !!!!  Look what I got - I almost forgot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See Suzan jump up and down
See Suzan whip out her paints
See Suzan plaster it all over the internet when it's done

Hey - it beats medication any day of the week :)

Have a great Thursday one and all
Much love,

Partying here ( join me? )
Miss Mustard Seed                                My 1929 Charmer                    That's what Che said
Kathe with an E                                     My Turn for Us                         My Romantic Home