Friday, November 13, 2015

You CAN measure love..................

I know people say you can't but I swear to you - you can.

In our case love weighed 12 pounds 3 ounces of pure raw adoration and was never not by our side.

It weighed enough to leave a small indentation at the foot of the bed where she slept for 16 years.

We said good-bye this morning to Soda - our precious little side kick - our 3rd daughter.

We left the house with that love bundled up with 2 of her squeaky toys - the ones she used to frantically bite whenever we walked in the house.  I held her while John drove - tears streaming down both our faces.
I opened the window because she so loved the breeze on her face - she glanced up but didn't have the energy to lean over and so I lifted her to it - letting it gently blow on her one last time while memories flooded through my system threatening to almost kill me.  Dramatic?'s how I truly felt at the moment.  I think it's how we both felt at the moment.

Remember how she used to jump through the snow with all her paws in the air - I asked John
Remember how she used to bury herself under the blankets at night - John asked me

The moments are tattooed on our hearts with indelible ink.

I was always telling her to " stay ".

In the mornings when John would get up to go the bathroom - she would get ready to jump off the bed to follow him

Stay - I would whisper - he'll be back.

She would rush to the front door whenever he left -

Stay - I would admonish her - he's not gone for long.

She would run off when we walked her - to the nearest tree stump - sometimes trying to cross the street

Stay - I would say loudly - it's dangerous.

Today - more than any other day - I wanted to cry out " Stay Soda -  please sweetheart - Stay "

Instead I leaned down close and told her what a good girl she was and always had been and how loved she was and then I told her it was ok to go.

I'm so sorry Soda if my tears and my sobbing brought you any anguish - I tried so hard to be strong but you always were my weakness you know.

I'm not sure how I walked out of the clinic - but I know I couldn't stand once I opened the door - I fell in a crumpled heap on the sidewalk clutching her squeakies and her leash to my chest - heaving - wondering how on earth I was going to go home without that 12 pounds and 3 ounces of love by my side.

And I have a message to the people who left her in a sealed box 16 years ago in front of the SPCA - covered in her own feces - battered and bruised and starving.

Thank you.  If you hadn't been as neglectful and cruel and as evil as you had been - we'd have never known the joy she brought to our lives.

You lost.  We won.

12 pounds and 3 ounces of pure raw adoration - that you were not worthy of anyway.

I'll be eternally grateful she chose to share her life with us.

Wherever you are right now my love - please - stay - until we can be together again.

You CAN measure love - I feel its weight on my heart today and trust me - it's as heavy as a ton of bricks.

Thank you Soda
for everything.

All our love
An eternity's worth

Mom and Dad

Cecilia - the first thing John did when we got in was put her painting on his end table by the bed.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Is it me you're looking for?

I think I may have forgotten to you let you know that I'm taking a blogging ( well actually all social media ) hiatus.
I feel I need to get out there and walk in piles of leaves and listen to the crunch instead of just writing about it
I feel like I need to look around me with my eyes instead of the lens of a camera
And most importantly I just need a break to rejuvenate myself because believe it or not I'm running out of things to say -

I'm aiming for a 2 week break - it may end up being a month - so.................
You all have the most wonderful of Novembers !!!

Here's me stepping out into it in 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1...........................

Hugs -
A months worth at least