Thursday, November 19, 2015


Hey - looks I've gone from a furniture makeover blog to a food one - look out Rachel Ray LMHO !!!

Truth is I haven't had much time lately to work on furniture - but I DO happen to have to cook - often.
This used to be something one of my Grandmothers made ( Estelle - not Helen ! You can get to know them HERE )

Another quick recipe ( notice most of my recipes are quick? ) and a great way to used left over potatoes.

What you need :

1 tin of salmon ( red sockeye ) I have no idea why I pulled out 2 tins in the pic - it only takes one !
bread crumbs
1 cup and a half of mashed potatoes
1 egg beaten
1/2 cup flour
1/2 small onion ( or shallots or green onion which I normally use but was out of )

Clean the salmon - removing all bones and combine in a bowl with the mashed potatoes

add your flour

and pepper

Add beaten egg and mix all together thoroughly ( I've been known to add a few chilli flakes in as well )
and form patties - placing them on a wax paper lined baking sheet

and then bread them - I find it easiest to sprinkle the bread crumbs over the top ( since these are quite soft )
and then carefully flip them with a spatula to do the other side.

Here's the thickness of each patty

and then fry them in either a little crisco - or for really decadent ones - a little butter

a few minutes on each side and serve them - with anything other than potatoes lol

Suzan says - OMG - aren't they great?
John says - They're ok
Suzan says - really?  I love them !
John says - I think a tin of salmon is meant to be put in sandwiches...............

I think it's time he learns to cook...............don't you?

Please don't take his word for it - they really are delicious ( if you like salmon - that's really really important - you have to like salmon lol )

Have a wonderful day everyone -
I'm going to be spending mine with baby blue !



Wednesday, November 18, 2015


I can't knit or I'd knit a new house probably
I can't sew ( shamefully I'm the daughter of a seamstress ) 
But I CAN tie pieces of cloth together and create something out of fabric :)

I wanted to make a wreath for Evan's room and had no idea where to start - until I saw John destroying fabric swatches from our business
( we represent fabric lines from Europe and so we always have swatches ) 

Suzan screams - OMG - are you throwing those out?
John says - Yeah - why?
John says - They're little bits of fabric - you can't do anything with them
Suzan says - as I'm scrambling around emptying the trash bin - SHAME ON YOU !  These don't belong in the landfill !
John says - Are you going to go through the garbage every time I throw something out?
Suzan says - Well I'm certainly going to start inspecting it before it goes to the curb !

They're very small pieces so I cut each one into 3 strips

and tied them together

so each strip ended up having 4 " tails " which worked great for fullness !

I used embroidery hoops 2 sizes - small and medium -  because I had a few on hand from a project long long ago and tied each strip on them

At one point my fingers started hurting a little

John says - You're going to ruin your hands permanently if you keep up with these " projects "
Suzan says - I want my hands to be completely used up when they bury me - 
John says - You're the most morbid person I know

Ahhh.............but I can make a rag wreath.

Aren't all the little bits of cloth just perfect together?
They're my " wreaths of many colors "
I made them while watching t.v. in bed - repeats of Downton Abbey to be precise - the next morning John woke up with lint and threads all over his boxers - I burst out laughing

Suzan says - You look like a human lint brush
Suzan says - Wait I want to get a picture

But he threatened to break my know - the ones he was so concerned about the day before?

Suzan says - Wreaths are very expensive to buy - think of the money I saved !
John stops ...........
John says - Really?  Why don't you make a ton of them and sell them?

Hmmmmmmmmmmm.  My fingers John - think of my poor fingers

John says - Well YOU said you wanted to use them up.
Suzan says - You're what the Chinese would call a Capitalist Pig
John snorts - China's full of capitalist pigs - probably more than here

Have a wonderful day everyone
I'm off to google why a communist country is filled with capitalist pigs.
And then I may just  make a few wreaths to sell !
( maybe I could sell them in China ? )



THE CHARM OF HOME                                              MY ROMANTIC HOME
BETWEEN NAPS ON THE PORCH                            SAND & SISAL
FLUSTER BUSTER                                                       SAVVY SOUTHERN STYLE
MY SALVAGED TREASURES                                    CRAFTY ALLIE
THE SHABBY ART BOUTIQUE                                 TOO MUCH TIME ON MY HANDS