Monday, June 30, 2014

Metallic end table makeovers!

Good morning everyone !

Last week we picked up ( or were given I should say ) these really pretty end tables when we purchased a
head and foot board.

I was overwhelmed with this girl's generosity - and we needed a couple of these badly for our bedroom!

They were in excellent shape - but the wood just wasn't for me

I primed them before painting them ( this is not like Chalk Paint - you really have to prime first )

 and got out my Modern Masters ( ME 150 Silver )  and went to town

end table makeover - metallic silver

Pretty lines but just a little boring, no?

I remembered I still had these from Michaels ( purchased these a long time ago to embellish a door
Door with Annie Sloan's signature
They're meant for scrapbooking I suppose but make really cute furniture appliques !

And the great thing is that they have adhesive on the back - so you can try them out before adding them permanently!

Yep, these will be staying permanently - just the right little touch don't you think?

DIY metallic furniture

I'll be putting a couple of coats of water based polyurethane on tomorrow because this paint definitely needs it - but I just love their metallic colors!

DIY end table makeover

Since the tables were free - and I had the paint and the appliques - this was a cost free project

Here you can see why I needed SMALL endtables for either side of the bed - and sorry but I can't make the bed today - it's too hot to even contemplate doing it lol
I have to pick up a couple of lamps - these look a little ridiculous - still trying to find the perfect wall sconce with swing arm lamps.

By the light....................of the silvery moon ( which reminds me - I went skinny dipping at midnight a couple of nights ago )  Probably won't ever do it again - but it was soooooooooo hot and really I just went out to sit and try to cool off a little - and there sat this glistening pool - and so I kind of slinked out of my nightie and quickly slinked into the pool.
And did a few laps - by the light.............of the silvery moon ( quite literally )

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone - and a very happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians

I'm extremely proud and very grateful to have been MADE IN CANADA !!!
Much love,

I'll be at these parties !
Honework - todays assignment                    Not Just a Housewife                         Ginger Snap Crafts
Fluster Buster                                              Savvy Southern Style                         DIY by Design
Have a daily cup of Mrs. Olson                   From my Front Porch to Yours          I Gotta Create
Katherine's Corner                                     The Charm of Home                          Shabby Art Boutique
My Turn ( for us )                                       My Romantic Home                          The Shabby Nest
Miss Mustard Seed                                    Lil' Luna ( link party palooza )            Funky Junk Interiors
Southern Hospitality                                   One More Time Events                      Life on Lakeshore Drive
I Should be Mopping the Floor                   My 1929 Charmer                            Uncommon Design
Under the table & dreaming                Between Naps on the Porch              Le Chateau des Fleurs
The Dedicated House                                Coastal Charm                                   Sand & Sisal
A Stroll Thru Life                                       The Winthrop Chronicles                   The DIY Dreamer\
Beyond the Picket Fence                           DIY Showoff                                     Homestories A to Z

Montreal Botanical Gardens

Suzan says - Why don't we go to the Botanical Gardens today?
John says - WHY?
Suzan says - Oh because it's magnificent - one of the largest in the world ( 190 acres ) and it's right here in our home town???
Suzan says - I haven't been in a very very long time
John says - I've never been
Suzan says - Well come - I'll show you some images

The Montreal Botanical Garden (FrenchJardin botanique de Montréal) is a large botanical garden in Montreal, Quebec, Canada comprising 75 hectares (190 acres) of thematic gardens and greenhouses. It was designated a National Historic Site of Canada in 2008 as it is considered to be one of the most important botanical gardens in the world due to the extent of its collections and facilities.[3][4]  (SOURCE)



I've never seen the topiary gardens in particular - this was part of last years - what a sin, to live in this city and not have seen this!!!





John says - Beautiful - but now we've seen them......................
John says - There's supposed to be a thunderstorm today

I'm off to talk him into going - I feel like being a tourist in my city today
You all have a wonderful start to your week!

Sharing with!
Between Naps on the Porch                         Coastal Charm               My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
A Stroll Thru Life                                         Stone Gable                   An Extraordinary Day
Kathe with an E                                           DIY by Design               From my Front Porch to Yours
Katherine's Corner                                      My Turn ( for us )           My Romantic Home
The Chicken Chick                                     My 1928 Charmer          Uncommon Design
I Should be Mopping the Floor                   A Stroll Thru Life

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Summer Party beverages

My daughter made this

My son did this

Hope you're all having a great weekend!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Remember this?

Good morning everyone!

Well I'm reverting back to my childhood - without a doubt -
While unpacking stuff for the guest room / munchkins room I came across this

Some of you will remember when I did this - most of you will probably not because it was done over 2 years ago - and the interior was never completed ( I had dreams - oh I had dreams LMHO )

(So this Fairyville I've started may only be complete in 2016)

In the meantime they can help Lolli work on the interior of this

If you can bear to look at photos even worse then these - and trust me these look AMAZING next to what I used to take lol - you can see how I turned this breadbox

Into a little dollhouse HERE

My daughter's having a first year anniversary ( oh my gosh it's been a year since the wedding - can you believe that? ) party today here at the house - a pool/bar-b-q party to be precise.
Want to see some of the wedding posts?

True Colors ( that's why I love them )
Stuck in the middle with you
Meet the Parents
Wedding Photos

You know I'm really tired when there's more links than content

See you Monday - bright and early everyone!
You all have a fabulous weekend

Party Time!!!
Between Naps on the Porch                         The Dedicated House                 A Stroll Thru Life
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia                 Stone Gable                               Kathe with an E
An Extraordinary Day                                  Home Stories A to Z                  Ginger Snap Crafts
The Shabby Nest

The pool is open !!! ( and talking in tongues )

Fairyville Friday is postponed this week because I haven't had time to play with fairy houses -

My son came by with his girlfriend Vanessa - and her 2 little girls....................

And he picked up a bunch of " friends " for them for the pool
Some of you saw how much fun I had with them

Crikey the Crocodile


and enough toys to tempt the little ones to go in

Meet Leah

and Livia

Suzan says - C'mon girls - aren't you going to go swimming ?
Leah says - You have to have a little more patience !
Livia says - Giljewopwu  aseuropweirj   alskd   alksdewi !
Suzan says - Pardon ?
Livia's Mom says - She likes to speak in tongues

Suzan says - Ok - let's get your bathing suits on

Leah says - Ok

Livia says - eoriuw  fdjr gjiorew aks vksr adkl !

Livia says - Do you know what that means?
Livia says - If I don't have floaties on I'll drown and If I drown then I'll die and if I die then I'll be sad
Livia says - Will you be sad too?
Suzan says - I would cry a lot
Livia says - dkflasi  sdfjiwqu  fisle tie qdkla !!!

Leah says - You have to be more patient - I'm just going to sit here for a little while
Livia says - dkfjlak  fajfl  afjlka  dkfjla COLD !

C'mon girls - you can do it !!!

that lasted about 3 minutes - but I have to admit Gordie and Vanessa had a blast

While the little ones cheered them on

Soda even got in the pool ( the right way - not like the accident when we first moved here !!! )
courtesy of Lindsay - ( or Lin-z - the way she spells it - which is NOT the way it appears on her birth certificate !!! )

she was ready to come out by the time Ashley took her

And just as a side note I have to tell you when my son was at the store picking up all the swimming pool toys he took a double look - as soon as he got to the house he showed it to John - who took a double look and a third look  (and maybe you'd have to know me in person to see this - but even I see it - it's a little uncanny actually )
It's almost my double right on the package of the floating mattress - which is what he was picking up for me!
Gordie says - Look Mom - even the same dark roots !!!
Thanks sweetheart :)

When the girls were leaving - Leah said - Hey - how come your picture's on that package???

And Livia?

Well she was far too busy to see the resemblance

Day 2 - and the second batch of swimmers arrived............
Meet Olivia !

And Lucy - ( as in I LOVE Lucy )

Izzy :)

Amelia !

and little Aidan - the only boy amongst all of them and who wasn't having any part of this girls fest !

until he spotted the boat

Soda spotted the other one - I could die !!! ( she did this on her own lmho )

After 5 months of renovation hell on earth we have a lot of catching up this summer ( before reno's begin again in the Fall )

Oh and between all that?
I FINISHED the guest room -

John says - Can't that wait for a rainy day or something- summer's here - you don't want to spend it painting and scraping do you ?
Suzan says - fdjluiw vjhle akslwi skfjo

I'll bore bombard you with photo's of it soon !

And a pool - a pool definitely helps :)

We're babysitting 3 of those munchkins today - any guesses where most of it will be spent?

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend !
Much love - and big fat WET chlorine smelling hugs!