Last week we picked up ( or were given I should say ) these really pretty end tables when we purchased a
head and foot board.
I was overwhelmed with this girl's generosity - and we needed a couple of these badly for our bedroom!
They were in excellent shape - but the wood just wasn't for me
I primed them before painting them ( this is not like Chalk Paint - you really have to prime first )
and got out my Modern Masters ( ME 150 Silver ) and went to town
Pretty lines but just a little boring, no?
I remembered I still had these from Michaels ( purchased these a long time ago to embellish a door
Door with Annie Sloan's signature
They're meant for scrapbooking I suppose but make really cute furniture appliques !
And the great thing is that they have adhesive on the back - so you can try them out before adding them permanently!
Yep, these will be staying permanently - just the right little touch don't you think?
I'll be putting a couple of coats of water based polyurethane on tomorrow because this paint definitely needs it - but I just love their metallic colors!
Since the tables were free - and I had the paint and the appliques - this was a cost free project
Here you can see why I needed SMALL endtables for either side of the bed - and sorry but I can't make the bed today - it's too hot to even contemplate doing it lol
I have to pick up a couple of lamps - these look a little ridiculous - still trying to find the perfect wall sconce with swing arm lamps.
By the light....................of the silvery moon ( which reminds me - I went skinny dipping at midnight a couple of nights ago ) Probably won't ever do it again - but it was soooooooooo hot and really I just went out to sit and try to cool off a little - and there sat this glistening pool - and so I kind of slinked out of my nightie and quickly slinked into the pool.
And did a few laps - by the light.............of the silvery moon ( quite literally )
Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone - and a very happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians
I'm extremely proud and very grateful to have been MADE IN CANADA !!!
Much love,

I'll be at these parties !
Honework - todays assignment Not Just a Housewife Ginger Snap Crafts
Fluster Buster Savvy Southern Style DIY by Design
Have a daily cup of Mrs. Olson From my Front Porch to Yours I Gotta Create
Katherine's Corner The Charm of Home Shabby Art Boutique
My Turn ( for us ) My Romantic Home The Shabby Nest
Miss Mustard Seed Lil' Luna ( link party palooza ) Funky Junk Interiors
Southern Hospitality One More Time Events Life on Lakeshore Drive
I Should be Mopping the Floor My 1929 Charmer Uncommon Design
Under the table & dreaming Between Naps on the Porch Le Chateau des Fleurs
The Dedicated House Coastal Charm Sand & Sisal
A Stroll Thru Life The Winthrop Chronicles The DIY Dreamer\
Beyond the Picket Fence DIY Showoff Homestories A to Z