Showing posts with label Annie Sloan chalk paint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Annie Sloan chalk paint. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

John Denver Anyone? ( Pallet Art )

A heart felt thanks to the following blogs for featuring this project!
Thanks to these fabulous blogs for featuring my pallet art -  It's more appreciated than you can know!

Life on Lakeshore Drive      Classy Clutter     Deborah Jean's Dandelion House   
Cupcakes and Crinoline     One More Time     Clean and Scentsible
Clean and Scentsible ( the most viewed !!!)    Knick of Time    Green Willow Pond  ( the most viewed!!! )
Shades of Amber       I Gotta Create    One Artsy Mama

john denver, annie's song, pallet, pallet art, easy pallet project

Some of you may have noticed that I incorporate words of songs into my posts - a lot - too much? lol
I can't help it - for some reason it's how my brain works - it registers lyrics to almost every situation I find myself in - that and the fact that I have to have music playing when I'm doing anything at all.................

It looks like that headboard I so desperately wanted to buy - was not meant to be - one thing or another kept preventing us from picking it up - ( and then someone mentionned it probably had evil spirits attached to it and that's why it was alluding me - and that's all I needed to hear - seriously :)

So in searching around the house for something to actually make - or build - or paint - that I could POST about ( walking around from room to room - with one hand on my hip and the other on my chin - with my eyes darting all around )  I sadly could only find my pile of pallet wood - leaned up against my bedroom closet, and not one to pass up any opportunity - I seized the moment - dragged John off the bed and had him help me out a little.

Suzan says - John could you help me out with something in the kitchen
John says - Sure

Sorry - everyone - John was extremely agreeable to EVERYTHING I asked him tonight - not quite sure why yet - but it's makes for a boring post I know.

making pallet wood art, Annie's song,

I'm using 12 slats for this project - and 2 extra ones to secure it all together to make this
Does anyone else use their kitchen island as a saw horse?
First I dabbed some carpenter's glue onto each slat in a straight line

John Denver tribute, Annie's Song, Making Pallet Art, Stencils

then I placed the 2 extra slats length wise across it - and John hammered it all in for me

Pallet Art, Using stencils for art, Using Sharpies for stencilling,

There now we can just turn it around - and bring it to the dining room table - so I can work on my new canvas - I did a quick dry brush of Annie Sloan Pure White - leaving a lot of the wood showing - to keep
it very rustic looking

John Denver tribute, Annie's Song into Art,

and then this is where my love of words kicks in - seeing as it's Valentine's Day coming up soon - and I'm really not much of a Valentine's day kind of person (other than I want flowers and chocolate and a card because it's all about me on that particular holiday -  )
I thought a love song would be nice on this

My old faithful stencils came out ( both the dollar store ones and the ridiculously priced ones because I want to mix this baby up lol ) and my Sharpie ( hey Sharpie - I've certainly been promoting you a lot lately - maybe you could send me a pack of them??? ) and I went to town...................
I love John Denver - really really love him -

Annie's Song, John Denver Tribute, Pallet Art

Here Danni - I added a cupid in Pic Monkey just for you - stop bugging me about Valentine's Day projects now!!!

Oversized DIY Pallet Art, Sharpie Art, Stencilled art

I added a photo with a chair so you see just how large this really is

john denver tribute, annie's song tribute,

even when you think you have no food in the house - you can always make soup, right?

Oversized pallet art, John Denver Tribute Art, Annie's Song lyrics on art

hmmm - I may have to paint the ram's head the meantime wouldn't this make a great

John Denver Tribute, Annie's Song artwork, pallet board art, Annie Sloan chalk paint for art

isn't pallet wood just the best for rustic anything?

DIY Pallet art, John Denver, Annie's Song, Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

Suzan says - Do you think you could pick me up some more pallets?
John says - Sure

What exactly going on around here?
Something's doing - I can just feel it..........................where's the dialogue?

Suzan says - Are you feeling ok?
John says - yeah, why?
Suzan says - Just wondering..........................
Suzan says - Thanks for the help tonight
John says - No problem

Ohhhh boy - there's something wrong
Trouble - we've got trouble
Right here in River City
With a capitol T
That rhymes with B..........................
that stands for BORING.

The John Denver Sanctuary - in Aspen - I would just love to walk around there on a sunny afternoon
( to fill up my senses )

Photos of The John Denver Sanctuary, Aspen
This photo of The John Denver Sanctuary is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Partying With!

52 Mantels             The 36th Avenue             Katherine's Corner         One Artsy Mama   
I Should be mopping the floor                        Uncommon Design         My 1929 Charmer   
Craft O Maniac                                             Lines Across                  Under the Table and Dreaming      Keeping it Simple                                          My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia 
Kammy's Korner                                          Not Just a Housewife     
Bliss Ranch / Junkers United Party                Remodelaholic
Funky Junk Interiors                                       Knick of Time

Thursday, November 29, 2012

John says it's not a desk!

Happy Friday everyone!!!

I'm officially taking a day off from painting

this has been a crazy week and I

need a day off badly

And actually I don't know which is more work

painting the pieces or staging them

This is one of John's finds - yup - he's finally on the band wagon everyone - it's official - he's looking and picking all on his own now!

Suzan says - ( with such pride )  Wow - great find John!!!
John says - I think I have an eye you know
Suzan says - ( rolling hers ) this is really a fine quality piece of furniture
John says - Of course it is - I don't pick junk ( cocky )
Suzan says - This is going to make a fabulous secretary desk
John says - Don't be ridiculous - It's NOT a desk
Suzan says - Oh but it will be, you'll see
John says - WHY WHY WHY do you always have to overdo everything? I found it - it's my pick - and I think it'll make a great bookcase or even a bar.
Suzan says - Nah - boring - same old same old - but a unique one of a kind secretary would be great!
John says - It's NOT a desk
Suzan says - oh ok - just a minute then
Suzan comes back with a purdy brush in her hand
Suzan says - Here you are big boy - go to town -
Johns says - well tell me a little bit more about how you plan on turning it into a secretary?

It'll be awhile before he's pickin' AND paintin' I guess........................
So here we go - I painted the upper back with ASCP French Linen - ( not the lower part where there's a hinged door - you'll see why soon )

then taped it up and started on the white - only realizing after the 2nd coat that I needed to shallac the entire piece because of bleed through -
this is the one I use - always - I'm sure there are others that work just as well but this one has never failed me yet ( I HAVE tried others and the bleed through happened anyway so sticking with this one )

I did a quick coat over the entire surface - warning: this smells strong but dries extremely fast -
and was ready to put on the final coat of Pure White in no time at all.
then I removed the tape ( holding my breath - ALWAYS hold your breath when doing this - it helps the lines stay clean )

don't mind the streaks - the paint is still wet - because I cannot - absolutely cannot wait until a step is finished to take photos

I just love French Linen against Pure White - it's such a clean crisp combination -

 this is pure white - my house is so dark I have no choice but to use professional photography lighting

and everyone one of those discs seem to throw off prisms of light - ( they seemed like a good idea when I bought them - live and learn ) for now I have to deal with crappy photos

lights anyone?
yes please

and here's where my " vision " came in ( did you know I get those?  I'm a physic )

hands are pressed against my temples - I'm slightly swaying - I have a kerchief wrapped around my head ( because my hair's filthy actually ) and big silver hoop earrings................and I see
I see
A desk..............................

large drawer - for paper - pens - or in John's case - ice storage

I kept the interior wood because I was using it as a desk - and thought it looked more authentic
( manly yes, but I like it too )
and please don't tell me I'm the only one that remembers those ads!

Me - Miss Wood Hater ( anonymous ) especially loves the wood desk area - (and love that it lights up even more )

John says - Don't get me wrong - I like it - it's beautiful - but I still say it should be a bar
Suzan says - So I'll make it a bar but it's not a bar - it's a secretary being used as a bar
John says - Bet it'll look best that way
Suzan says - this staging thing is getting a little out of hand

We both stood there staring at it for a few minutes

Suzan says - you know, this would even work great in a kitchen - you could keep a microwave in it - and use the hinged door part as a coffee station
John says - try it - see what it looks like
Suzan says - I AM NOT DRAGGING THE MICROWAVE AND COFFEE MACHINE INTO THE LIVING ROOM  - you know,  you must think I'm a donkey.................I have limits you know - you wanted to see it as a bar and I
John says - Ok - Ok - it was just a suggestion
Suzan says - well why don't YOU bring it all in?
John says - People can use their imagination
Suzan says - well they could have done that for the bar too you know

So what do YOU think it is?  And no being politically correct here - you have to choose one or the other.

And you know what comes next right?  C'mon, you know the drill

Suzan  says - I'd like to keep this
John says - ( emphatically I might add ) NO - you want to keep everything
Suzan says - well you made me sell that dresser - it was like ripping my heart out of
John says - Oh knock it off - it's a piece of furniture
Suzan says - But I despise the piece we have in the dining room -
John says - I LOVE it -
Suzan says - but it has no character - it's the ugliest thing - I just can't bear to kee
John says - Good God, what's with the theatrics all the time?

I can't even be bothered to bookmark it or get a better photo of it - I really do hate it that much

Suzan says - why don't I try to sell the piece in the dining room and replace it with this piece?
Suzan says - what does it matter - as long as it's not costing us a penny?
Suzan says - why are you so stubborn all the time?
Suzan says - haven't I sold enough?  Do you want my blood too?
Suzan yells - When are you going on your next business trip?
John says -   My next trip will be to Hollywood - when  you accept your Oscar, how's that?
Suzan says - I'm keeping it.........................

And that's what's been going on in our little world lately - TGIF - happy Friday everyone!

Partying with
Under the table and dreaming
I should be mopping the floor
Homemaker on a dime
Lines Across
The Ironstone Nest
Clean & Scentsible
Savvy Southern Style
In the old road
French Country Cottage
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Adventures of a DIY Mom
PJH Designs
Domestically Speaking
We like to learn as we go
DIY By Design
French Country Cottage
At the Picket Fence
Redoux Interiors
Miss Mustard Seed
Our Fifth House
Glitter Glue & Paint

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ebony and Ivory

Live together in perfect harmony - on my coffee tables!
I think this is my favorite all time color combination - with everything actually - I love it in home decor -  shoes - clothing - linen -  I even love black and white photos!
So it was a no-brainer on what to do with these homely looking things



I used ASCP Graphite on the top - and old white on the bottom -
Stencil was done in old white - with a wash of Graphite over the surface - to give it a " smudged aged " look
That streaky look is intentional and looks quite lovely in person ( not so much in the photos I know ) but
it looks like it has depth because of it.  The glare of the photos makes it look too defined but it isn't at all!
And of course waxed

and ready to sell

Sometimes - just sometimes - it's ok to see things in Black and White!
Have a wonderful day!

Partying with
Cedar Hill Ranch
Adventures of a DIY Mom
Kathe with an E
Homestories A to Z
PJH Designs
Knick of Time
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
A Diamond in the Stuff
Elizabeth & Co.
Shades of Amber
Primitive & Proper
The Winthrop Chronicles
The Ironstone Nest
Chase the Star
Uncommonly Yours
Clean & Scentsible
Savvy Southern Style
Adorned from Above
No Minimalist Here
I Gotta Create
52 Mantels
Saving 4 Six
Stone Gable
Katherine's Corner
Rooted in Thyme
The Charm of Home
Shabby Art Boutique
At The Picket Fence
French Country Cottage
Miss Mustard Seed
A little Knick Knack
My Romantic Home

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Anne of Green Gables

The greatest Canadian that never lived.............................

For all Kindred Spirits

I can see it vividly as though I were still 8 years old - the wondrous joy of her world - I so wanted to live in her house - I wanted green gables but we however lived in an apartment in the heart of the city.
My father passed away when I was quite young - so kindly Mathew was someone I wanted ( needed? ) in my life - I had tons of uncles ( my mother came from a very large family ) but they were more the Archie Bunker type - I loved them, don't get me wrong - but I longed for a gentle kind hearted Mathew too. ( Marilla always scared me actually, lol ) I also btw would have settled for an Uncle " Bill " and a Mr French because I did have a Mrs Beasly doll after all.
I had an imagination the size of my little world - filled to capacity - and so I could relate to her.
I read those books - and I reread those books - and writing up this post tonight I realize I want to read them again - I want to get lost in the antics of a precocious young red haired girl from long long ago............

For those of you who loved these books as much as I did, a visit to P.E.I ( Prince Edward Island ) is
mandatory - walking around the grounds - walking through the reproduction old Green Gabled home -
you can just " feel " Anne's spirit all around you.

Here's my tribute to Anne ( with an E - because it sounds more distinguished Marilla )

I started with this

and ended up with this

I used the stencilling I bought this week to do my Parisienne Butcher Block  and I'm just loving the lettering on this -

And the flower is an Ikea wall art sticker set that I bought years ago - I placed the sticker where I wanted it
to go and outlined it with my Sharpie - then removed the sticker and and went over the design to " thicken"
the lines......................

I painted the 2 backplates on the top drawers black - to match the script - but not sure if I should have
went silver - not to late to change it - thoughts anyone?

I love the crispness of the black against the white - ( Annie Sloan pure White )

dresser, makeover, before, after, anne of green gables

anne, green gables, furniture, dresser,


And really, from the bottom of my heart, I don't care if no one wants to buy it - this one can sit right where it is in my bedroom for as long as it needs to - I get all mushy and goosebumpy just looking at it .
Sorry John, I know it's girly - I'll make you a Hardy Boys something or other lol.

I hope mothers of little girls still read these books to their daughters -
I hope mothers of young girls leave them on their nightstands as soon as they're old enough to read them themselves -
I hope mothers of young daughters take the time to read them again themselves -
And I hope when their finished they forward them on to Grandma because everyone needs a little Anne from time to time.

Though she struggled with terrible bouts of depression for most of her life,  Ms. Montgomery still managed to create this incredible character that will delight girls forever.
Thank you Lucy Maud - for all that you gave with your amazing talent.


A very grateful reader,

C'mon Anne - let's Party!!! ( and no Raspberry Cordial eh uhmmm Currant wine for you - absolutely not )

Embracing Change
The Shabby Creek Cottage
Rooted in Thyme
Petites Passions
Katherine's Korner
The Charm of Home
Common Ground
French Country Cottage
At the Picket Fence
2 8 0 5
Chase the Star
Shabby Art Boutique
The Grant Life
My Turn ( for us )
Days of Chalk and Roses
The Shabby Nest
Miss Mustard Seed
Finding Fabulous
One More Time
Addicted to Decorating
Funky Junk Interiors
Classy Clutter
Nifty Thrifty Things
I heart Nap Time
It's so very Cheri
I should be mopping the floors
Debbie Doos
My 1929 Charmer
Jam's Corner
Homemaker on a dime
Keeping it Simple
Lines Across
Under the table and dreaming
Coastal Charm
Our Delightful Home
Homestories A to Z
Cedar Hill Ranch
Knick of time
Today's creative blog
The Ironstone Nest
Not Just a Housewife
Primitive & Proper
Shades of Amber
Chase the Star
Elizabeth & Co.
The DIY Dreamer
Clean & Scentsible
Savvy Southern Style
DIY by Design
Nutmeg Place
Domestically Speaking
Adorned from above
Family Home and Life
Have a daily cup with Mrs. Olson
We like to learn as we go
52 Mantels
The 36th Avenue
Confessions of an ADD Housewife
Cheerios and Lattes
Miss Mustard Seed
Embracing Change ( favourites from 2012 )