I'm still learning - every single day - with every single mistake - I keep learning!
Last week I showed you a sneak peak of a desk I was working on
Here's what I was working on
I wanted to put 2 transfers on this from the Graphics Fairy - but I messed up.
Because I never never never know when to leave well enough alone.
I tried to take it off before it was ready - although I like that it looks all ripped and shredded and authentically very old - LIKE THIS - there was still a lot of paper to rub off ( where you can see the whitish patches ) and there would have been only a few words of the graphic left...........
The " stamp " fared much better - still some paper left to rub off - but the graphic is in tact - except for the fact that it's UPSIDE DOWN...............that's what sleep deprivation will do to you.
So I asked my official " Sander " if he could sand the section down where the postcard graphic was
And it came back in looking like this
GASP - EUREKA - PAYDIRT - SIGH...............................I fell instantly in love..............
Much like I did over this Oops makeover
The dark blue that this piece was originally - with the old white ( ASCP ) and the wood peaking through?
Perfection - so I promptly began sanding away the entire top of the desk and somehow the upside down
stamp doesn't look so bad? In fact I'm loving the graphic - looks like it's been there forever!!!
John says - OMG - what the hell have you done to it?
Suzan says - I LOVE IT
John says - It looks like crap ( the other version of that word )
Suzan says - Thank you very much
John says - First of all it'll never sell - second of all I don't want it here -
John says - It looks like crap ( the other version of that word )
Suzan says - You already said that
Suzan says - It's rustic chic
John says - It's RUSTIC CRAP ( the other version of that word - which sounds like Chic almost anyway )
In his defense ( NOT that I'm defending him at all ) he may be right ..............Montreal seems to be a little behind with all this rustic - prairie - farmhouse - stuff. My " clean " pieces seems to outweigh this type in
" demand " and it may have to be changed in the end but I'm loving it.................
John says - you're going to have to repaint that now, hope you know that
Suzan says - nothing - absolutely nothing - because she's learning how to keep her yap shut!
Things I learned this week
1) Sometimes mistakes are good things
2) Getting a proper amount of sleep is very very important
3) John has no idea what he's talking about
4) John really likes to say Crap ( the other version of the word )
5) No matter how shabby a piece is - bling ALWAYS works - so I'm going to start wearing a tiara when I'm in my painting clothes ( e.g. nightgown )
John is yelling from the Kitchen that there's 2 glass knobs missing off the cabinet doors as I type.
You'd think he'd learn by now !!!
Anyway they can be replaced - the STAR needed them more
Have a great Thursday all
Go out there and make a few mistakes..................
I'll probably be repainting this by friday LOL
Much love,
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Common Ground French Country Cottage Craftionary
My turn ( for us ) One Artsy Mama My Romantic Home
The Shabby Nest Miss Mustard Seed Homemaker on a dime
The Dedicated House Funky Junk Interiors Winthrop Chronicles
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia Not Just a Housewife Shabby Creek Cottage
Savvy Southern Style Clean & Scentsible Rooted in Thyme
I Heart Nap TIme Uncommon Designs The Graphics Fairy
Knick of Time Homework