Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I WANNA live there Wednesday - AND MY COLOR PAINT WINNER!!!

OK - someone please please please tell me where Tuesday went??????????
Because I thought it was today - I actually had to get a calender to look at  because there was no way today could be - pretty frightening really - I could see that happening after a long weekend but losing a Tuesday? Really?
And I think I even joked that someone would have to remind me about the My Color inspired by Pantone draw LOL - so here we go!

True Random Number Generator  6

That would mean you Debbie ( DEWDROP GARDENS )!!!!!!!!!!!
Send me an email so I can get your coordinates!

Now on to I WANNA live there Wednesday -
I'm off to try to find Tuesday - I want it back since I missed it completely.


Today's post is a little different - it's not in my current neighbourhood - but in a neighbourhood that we are seriously considering relocating to
It's in Lancaster, Ontario - 5 minutes away from the Quebec border - and a 50 minute drive to Montreal where we live now -
This is completely out of my realm actually - I'm a city girl to the bone - haven't lived in the suburbs since grade school - and this is country living personified - but for some reason it has a very strong appeal to me - the thought of open spaces ( 1 acre - which would feel like owning my own country lol ) of glorious fields and trees and a work shop - what do you think?

Ok - so if we just address the obvious, there would be a lot of painting happening here - all of these colors and all the wood, gone baby gone - and the kitchen needs updating ( although I think even that could be saved by lots of paint ) but it feels like " home " to me - it feels warm and spacious ( compared to what I'm living in now ) it's almost 2000 square feet - all wood floors - Victorian era home!!! AND if this were in my current neighbourhood it would be well over 1 million dollars ( well well over ) and this lovely lady costs
228,000 - my heart almost skipped a beat when I saw the price - you forget, when you're a city girl, that there's a wealth of space and land out there for the asking if  you dare to leave your beloved bright lights.

Does anyone else see the charm and the potential in this home?  I think it could be turned into a showstopper with very little effort!

and just 1 more - only the exterior - 3 + acres - with 2 out buildings - also 100 year old, a  hobby farm

Any one interested in coming to my first barn dance lol?
This one is selling for 178,000 - I'm in shock really - absolute SHOCK - at how far your money can go in the country!
I'm starting to think maybe, just maybe, Green Acres is the place to be.....................

Dreaming of wide open skies today

Women who Inspire through laughter

These are a few - and really JUST a few of the ladies that have made me laugh - in my mind one of the most precious gifts you can give.  They're in no particular order


I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch. 


 A Harvard Medical School study has determined that rectal thermometers are still the best way to tell a baby's temperature. Plus, it really teaches the baby who's boss.


Don`t compare yourself with someone else`s version of happy or thin. Accepting yourself burns the most calories. 


“Why do people say "grow some balls"? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding.”  


 Women complain about PMS, but I think of it as the only time of the month when I can be myself. 


I hate housework! You make the beds, you do the dishes and six months later you have to start all over again. 



The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron. 


 I've been on a diet for two weeks and all I've lost is two weeks.  

                                                                          MAE WEST

 A dame that knows the ropes isn't likely to get tied up. 


I don't have false teeth. Do you think I'd buy teeth like these? 

Just think of all those women on the Titanic who said, "No, thank you" to dessert that night. And for what?! 

                                                                         NORA EPHRON
 Insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit that they are crazy. 


and I know without a doubt I've left far too many of you out

some are dead and some are living

in my life I've loved them all