Thursday, October 3, 2013

How do you like your coffee, crisp?

What sickening spoiled brats!!!

I think the emergency rooms would be filled with men with 3 degree burns today LOL
We've come a long way, baby !!!

Have a good one ;)



  1. Dear Suzan. I have missed a couple of posts here. The photos of your home is just beautiful. I can understand that it sold fast. I`m sure you will find a new home that will make you happy again, my friend. After your touch and care, it will be the most beautiful home, I`m sure.

    Big hug from me

  2. I am so old I remember some of those advertisements! I think I once had a husband that complained about my coffee making abilities..... :)

  3. I agree with you, and I love coffee crisp candy bars! (thats where i thought you were going with this at first! lol!

  4. Yep, my wife would be saying: I'm not sure what happened officer, he just woke up depressed and decided to end it all by drinking rat poison and then shooting himself eight times.

  5. Ha Ha Suzan and I have to agree with Rick too. LOL!!!!

  6. The good old days?!

  7. And so began the rise in the divorce rate!!!

  8. ahahahahaha!
    The Real Housewives of Mrs. Olsen's Neighborhood!
    I don't drink coffee so I don't really know how to make it. More is better, right? Mine's been called 'military grade'. That doesn't really hurt my feelings.

  9. LOL- Those were so fun- I remember some of them...and we used to use Folgers when I lived in FL. I'd send them all to Starbucks now and tell them to get their own coffee-I'm mean like that. I loved that she discovered the MOUNTAINS in the last one. Looked like she had a couple of little mountains herself with the aid of one of those old CONE BRAS! xo Diana

  10. Maybe it would taste better...over their heads! LOL... Those were the good old days? For who? Certainly not for women. Yes, we have come a long way...thank goodness!

  11. ROFLMBO - I like Rick Watson's response!

  12. hahaha, I don't drink coffee myself, so when I started making it for hubby, he would smile (with clenched teeth) and thank me. I finally got him to teach me how to make coffee. lol

  13. Did anyone notice Donna Mills in one of those clips? Too funny. It's hard to believe how women were portrayed back complete idiots. My hubby would never get coffee again. Good luck getting it delivered to his cardboard box on the patio, too. ;)

  14. Haha! It was hard to watch that without barfing, just a little! Funny stuff! BTW, Suzan, I mentioned you in my post today about my 6 months of blogging, to thank you!

  15. I actually watched that whole thing because it was so funny and so badly acted!! Good ole Folgers!

  16. come it's always her fault??!! And..I love how several of them were anniversary that's the best time to be telling your wife her coffee sucks! anniversary is tomorrow.

  17. Goodness! I forgot all about those insulting commercials. You should look up Lysol cleaner for feminine douche and see those insulting ads of the early 1920s-1950s. I did a research paper and presentation for a women's history class on that subject a few years ago and had to bite my tongue! We have come a long way baby, is right!

  18. I don't drink coffee so my husband makes his own. Saves the trouble! lol Some of these brought back memories...and yeah, we've come a long way.
    Debbie :)

  19. That is hysterical - how far we've come!! I remember my FIL sticking his hand through the kitchen window and yelling "coffee" and my MIL go running to fill it for him. I told her I would never to that!! Famous last words - now I love to fill my husband's cup. But if he ever told me it was awful, it would be the last time!!

  20. hehe had to send this to my sister. i always comment on her coffee....poor girl


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Can I beat these spammers at their own game? Probably not - but I'm going
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