Today we're visiting a star's house again -
All images found at ELLE DECOR
Year built 1865
Location Bridgehampton
Current owners
Mathew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker
Who use it as their weekend house -
I'm so in love with the charm of this home and how beautifully down to earth they've decorated it.
Multimillion dollar stars may live in it - but they've decorated it in a way that we can all relate too - with lots of Ikea thrown in for good measure !
Oh those floors !!! Anyone notice the Ikea LACK tables?
Gorgeous window seat ! Why do I picture her and Big sitting on that instead of her and her husband
( the adorable Mathew??? )
The lack tables are everywhere ! ( I love the wicker rocking chair )
As you can see she copied my kitchen floor LOL ( so I may have to copy her stools - and that apple artwork )
Check out her PAINTED assorted vintage chairs - oh a girl after my own heart !!!
I'm going to give her a call - I think she should buy my Ruby Red Dresser - don't you? It would be perfect for her living room - and obviously she loves red !!!
This gives me such an idea for next summer ( in our back yard )
Ikea curtains grace the gorgeous master
Ok - I think I'll ask her to just trade the dresser for this chair - I really have to have it
And I'm in love with that shade of yellow as a headboard - and the jars on the desk - and actually the
desk itself
But of all the photos this next one just melts my heart - is that cabinet the sweetest thing or what?
You can read the full article HERE
Oh my gosh - I SO wanna live there - at least for a weekend - so that I can escape this
What's that you ask?
Why that's a floor !
After 2 layers of carpet have been removed
And 2 layers of linoleum
And 1 layer of tile
We're down to glued down cardboard which can only be removed by wetting and scraping small sections at a time - and which releases the most horrific smell you could ever imagine.
Even Soda ( who is always within an inch of us at all times ) makes herself scarce when this is going on
Soda want to come downstairs with us?
Ummm - no - that's ok - I'm good up here thanks LOL
The hair clip lasted a total of 90 seconds - but Soda's 14 going on 15 - and I keep telling her it takes years off !!!
My heart melts just looking at this
Ok - what am I doing exactly - this is supposed to be an IWLTW post - and I've managed to get my filthy floors and my beautiful dog in here too
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone -
In the midst of all this crap, I have white slip covers for the couch and chair being delivered today lol
Much love,
Come join me at these great parties !!!
From my Front Porch to Yours Ivy & Elephants Katherine's Corner
French Country Cottage The Charm of Home My Turn for Us
Too much time on my hands My Romantic Home One More Time Events
Life on Lakeshore Drive I should be mopping the floor Uncommon Design
Between Naps on the Porch Sand & Sisal A Stroll Thru Life
Stone Gable An extraordinary day Kathe with an E
Homestories A to Z Savvy Southern Style Adorned from Above
Ivy & Elephants
I do agree, Suzan, I love the way they've decorated that house. What a cute, cheery kitchen!! Yes, she should get your red dresser. And tell Soda the hair clip becomes her. Lol. PS we had floors like that too when we moved here. Now it's down to hardwood and stained and varnished.
ReplyDeleteHola Suzan. We're in serious rain in SE Wisconsin today, just in time for my half mile walk to the bus stop! Have you considered renting a drum sander with vacuum attachment to attack that nasty floor? It sure would save a lot of work for you and you wouldn't have to wet down the cardboard to get it off. Nicole Curtis swears by them (from Rehab Addict -- love that show). Your house is looking so fab in the rooms you have finished; as my friends keep on reminding me, you (I) can't get it done all at once, well, not unless you (I) had a LOT of money and could afford to get people to do everything that needs to be done while you (I) sat out on the patio being fanned...
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love this house, Suzan! The front veranda got me first then the living room. It is so unpretentious for a Hollywood couple but maybe their year around house is more glamourous. Soda is SO cute! Your floors are not. But I know the floors will be beautiful after your hard work. White slip covers?? Can't wait to see them slipped on. Have a great day! It's another beauty here.
ReplyDeleteLove love Sarah's home. What a gorgeous retreat. Ahhhhhh to have a week end home!
ReplyDeleteSoda is adorable. Look at that face OMG! Too cute.
Happy Wednesday my friend.
Are you saying that all those layers were on one floor??? all in the same place? How much higher do your ceilings appear now??
ReplyDeleteSoda carries her age very gracefully. I wouldn't have pegged her for a day over 10.
Let me know what weekend you're heading over to Bridgehampton to lounge in that adorable house. I'll meet you there. We can make a party out of it.
I noticed Soda is sitting on white wood floors. Do you love them? Or not?
ReplyDeleteBeautiful home. I wouldn't mind living there myself.
ReplyDeleteOnto your wonderful looking floor there.
Don't use an electric scraper; carpet/vinyl removal machine as they are used over concrete flooring, but I'd be real concerned about what they'd do to a much softer hardwood floor. I'd be concerned that an electric floor stripper would make match sticks out of it.
instead is see if either water, mineral spirits, lacquer thinner (which is mostly toluene, or acetone) will dissolve the old adhesive. If any of them do, then put down some solvent over an area and immediately cover with wax paper to prevent the solvent from evaporating. As the solvent penetrates through the cardboard to the glue at the cardboard/glue interface, it will soften the glue at that interface making the cardboard easy to scrape off the glue with a putty knife. As the solvent penetrates deeper and deeper into the glue, it should make the glue easier to remove by scraping with either a putty knife of paint scraper.
None of the above mentioned solvents will harm wood. (Water will make wood swell and possibly raise it's grain if there's no wax or polyurethane over the wood.) Mineral spirits won't harm polyurethane, but the other two solvents will etch polyurethane and probably dissolve Carnauba Wax. But, in all liklihood, you're going to have to refinish the hardwood anyway.
I love how they decorated the house. I think my daughter has those stools. Chin up!!! Your floors will be beautiful, just like your sweet Soda. xo Laura
ReplyDeleteGgod grief - floors from hell! I don't think I wld have the stomach to deal with them. Gold star and a chilled bottle of vino for you! Oh, Soda, you are soooo cute! You get Mommy a nice big glass when she's done with stink mess, 'k? Loved SJP's summa home. Patty
ReplyDeleteWow! Their home is gorgeous! Not what I expected at all! Not too fancy. I love every detail! And Soda! Now that IS a true star :-)
ReplyDeleteI like that mirrored desk, that is pretty cool. If you ask John to install an outdoor shower, please post the conversation, hahahahahahahah
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful home!!!!! I wanna at least visit if I can't live there!!! LOL!!!! Yes, your beautiful ruby dresser would fit right in there perfectly!!!! I love the bedroom too!!! Soda is a doll baby!!! So so cute! We used to dress up our dogs and take pictures, they were pretty tolerant, we gave them treats afterwards!!!! Bless your heart on that nasty floor, if I win the lottery, the first money I spend is on outside labor to finish all your floors!!!! I'm out the door to buy a ticket!!! Wish me luck!!! Have a blessed day!!! XOXOXOX Karen
ReplyDeleteWell then now I have to pray that if I don't win the lottery - that YOU do LMHO -
DeleteGOOD LUCK !!!
You're so incredible Karen - really -
Thanks for sharing the beautiful home. Love it all. My daughter's inlaws live there. I want to visit so badly.
ReplyDeleteThe floor looks painful. Everything you do looks wonderful when you are finished. It will happen.
Cool house! But in a weird way, I love your scraped floors. Soda is adorable of course!
ReplyDeleteWhen I look at this house I can see Sarah Jessica and Matthew living there - really living with books, toys, and newspapers lying about. Soda is so cute in her updo. I once refinished a floor with carpet, foam, two layers of linoleum, 1/2" plywood to get down the the vintage thin slat red oak floors. I feel your pain, but believe me it is so worth it!
ReplyDeleteLove Sarah's home. And I love your little Soda...she is so adorable!!
Great old house. The exterior belies what is inside the door. It's a fun place and not as staid as you would think from the outside. Love it!!!
ReplyDeleteOh- those floors- aren't they awful? That is a big job. I have only ever had to go down through 3 layers. What a mess you have there, Suzan....but I know you will see it through and be pleased when it is done. xo Diana
precious pup!! looks so sweet :)
ReplyDeleteShe IS such a sweetheart this little lady of mine - thanks !!!
Yes, your red dresser is perfect for that house! Soda is a little doll and very smart to stay away from the floor mess.
ReplyDeleteI love this! You know what else I love? The photo of the two of them on that bedside table. That was a little bit of an intimate detail that you rarely see when viewing celebrity homes. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI love that too Laura - they seem like such a down to earth couple - love both of them ( and their summer house ) Thanks so much for taking the tour with me!
She has such a beautiful home. I love the red bedroom.......gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteSo pretty! Thanks for joining HSH!
ReplyDeleteI never pictured Ferris Beuller living in such classic simplicity. Gorgeous.